
some have replied to this with BIRD SLANDER about the European Robin, saying they're territorial, will kill other birds, and that sometimes they threaten people with tiny switchblades if people don't post positive European Robin propaganda on various social media sites, and these are LIES help
EUROPEAN ROBIN: a precious feather baby, a ruddy sky dumpling, a good friend, will help you find your keys, full of ice cream AMERICAN ROBIN: big, often wet, surly, has your wallet, killed a rat underneath the bird feeder to make an example to the other animals
Do you buy your tiny switchblades at KlengtMesser in Luxembourg I have three to fight off robins but one is an heirloom piece with a mother-of-pearl handle so in practical terms I have two
ask the bird, the bird is the one threatening me with the tiny switchblade I mean ha ha that's not happening at all it's fine look away
Well you still have that machete right? The one with the compass in the hilt in case you get lost? If you lost it that would be ironic in the Alanis Morisette sense
It does highlight why the Mary Poppins robins were so confusing - American robins in London (less successful sequel to the werewolf film). As a kid I just thought they were really rubbish puppets.
they are the JKR of the bird world, eh?
European robin: the nice fairy American robin: say goodbye to everyone you loved as you're carted away to fairy land
(*whispers*) birds aren't real.
I’ve seen our European robins attack 1. A squirrel 2. Me They are bloodthirsty monsters.
Everyone knows European Robins would never get their wings dirty.
The American Robin is absolutely accurate tho
We have a bunch of robins in our yard. Their biggest crime is they displace a LOT of water when they splash around in our birdbaths. But I like 'em, they have two speeds - charging, and still but ready to charge.