
a) So why is the retirement age still that high if it's that old? Wasn't the promise of all this technology that it would enable 3-day work weeks and earlier retirement? b) We routinely listen to music from halfway between the Ottoman Empire and today.
"Retirement age is 65, that's crazy!" says BlackRock CEO. "Our retirement age dates from the time of the Ottoman Empire!" Fun fact: the Ottoman Empire dissolved after World War I. The Titanic sank before the Ottoman Empire did. The time of the Ottoman Empire was not that long ago.
It would be nice if he was saying "that's too old, we should retire younger" but we all know he's not saying that. Sigh.
That's a mind trip. Recently, I was thinking how 1984 was 40 years ago now... the same distance away from 1944 and the end of World War 2. Somehow that 40 years seemed so much longer. (I write as someone born in the 70s. Because I lived the most recent 40, maybe that's why it doesn't feel so long)
Yeah. I was born about the same distance from World War 2 as I now stand from invading Iraq. I am older than the WW2 vets I knew in my youth were; when I knew them. My grandmother was older than the airplane, and knew people who fought in the US Civil War.
The Ottoman Caliphate was formally abolished on March 3, 1924. (The last Ottoman sultan, Mehmet VI, was exiled in November 1922, when the Republic of Turkey was declared, but his cousin reigned as Caliph for another eighteen months before the Caliphate was abolished as well.) Not that long ago.
huh wtf I routinely listen to music for om when the Ottoman empire was alive and well? but how is that relevant one way or the other, I don't get why the guy brings it up at all?
He's trying to hand-wave adjusting the retirement age upwards.
ah I am so glad that this Fink fellow is getting slagged today
Joe Biden was not only born closer to the end of the Ottoman Empire than today, he was born closer to the end of the Ottoman Empire than the assassination of JFK.
oh, I don't think he's suggesting we'll get to retire earlier 😢
otoh, Age 65 that long ago was right around when white men were expected to drop dead. So, capitalist shitheads want now what they wanted then, & are just upset that it was agreed 65 was a good retirement age, and then life expectancy got longer, making 'retirement' actually worth/mean something.