Claire Lamman

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Claire Lamman

PhD student at Harvard's Center for Astrophysics, expert in cosmology and procrastibaking
My Harvard Horizons video is now on YouTube! I worked hard on this with some talented animators, really excited to share it with ya'll :) This is a short, public talk of my research: exploring connections between galaxies and cosmology. 🔭🧪
Claire Lamman | Untangling the Cosmic The 2024 Harvard Horizons Scholars, selected by the Harvard Horizons Faculty Fellows, are representatives of the extraordinary researchers who make up Harvar...
Ahhhh I'm so excited I forgot the emojis 🧪🔭 !!
Today the DESI Survey announces measurements of the expanding universe - the most precise of their kind! I had to make a cake. I'm so excited to finally share our first main science results :) Press release, featuring some non-buttercream graphics I made:
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Today the DESI Survey announces measurements of the expanding universe - the most precise of their kind! I had to make a cake. I'm so excited to finally share our first main science results :) Press release, featuring some non-buttercream graphics I made:
Today the DESI Survey announces measurements of the expanding universe - the most precise of their kind! I had to make a cake. I'm so excited to finally share our first main science results :) Press release, featuring some non-buttercream graphics I made:
Reposted byAvatar Claire Lamman
If you're not a cosmologist, you could still get a lot of inspiration for really exceptional plots and diagrams:
Dear cosmologists, Do you love IA (Intrinsic Alignments)? Do you hate IA? Do you not really know what IA are but they seem important? If any of these apply then I have TWO exciting announcements for you:
Dear cosmologists, Do you love IA (Intrinsic Alignments)? Do you hate IA? Do you not really know what IA are but they seem important? If any of these apply then I have TWO exciting announcements for you:
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My gingerbread this year... The VLA!!
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Yowza, this is fantastic! Click through and read the annotated paper. You won't regret it.
Yay, I can share this now!! After seeing my paper doodles, an editor reached out to me about creating something for Physics Today. Presenting: a cartoon summary of one of the most impactful papers in modern cosmology! 🧪
Yay, I can share this now!! After seeing my paper doodles, an editor reached out to me about creating something for Physics Today. Presenting: a cartoon summary of one of the most impactful papers in modern cosmology! 🧪
Today I have a new paper up on the arXiv and I've doodled another summary! Here are the first three pages. I take great joy in reducing complex, majestic galaxies into ovals. 🧪 arxiv: summary:
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Following up on this thread about the recent paper, just saw that gave a talk on "Intrinsic Alignments in the DESI Survey" at ITC yesterday Oct-26.
The cosmic web leaves a mark on visible matter through subtle correlations involving galaxy shapes. How do we quantify these "Intrinsic Alignments"? For the long answer, see “The IA Guide”, now on arXiv! For the short answer, keep reading.
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We are happy to share with you our cool new paper on Intrinsic Alignments (IA), fresh on @arxiv : What is it: in short, it is a short guide to IA. 1/
The cosmic web leaves a mark on visible matter through subtle correlations involving galaxy shapes. How do we quantify these "Intrinsic Alignments"? For the long answer, see “The IA Guide”, now on arXiv! For the short answer, keep reading.
🧪Many more people here now, hello!
Heyo! I just joined Bluesky and am an astrophysics PhD student. I enjoy figuring out how to condense information- whether it be for galaxy statics, outreach, or decorating science bakes 🌌
The best type of Black Forest Cake is a Black Lyman-alpha Forest cake 🧪
Wow that telescope is extremely large, let's call it ELT! And that array is VERY large... Oh my, now this will be an OVERWHELMINGLY Large Telescope I wonder what we'll call this one
Astronomers naming things: Look at how globular these clusters are! Let's call them globular clusters! Wow check out the moon it looks so uhhhhh gibbous. Quasar
Oops I dropped this 🧪
Here's some pre-sketches I've made when planning out bakes! Never felt comfortable enough to post these on the other place. 1/6
Here's some pre-sketches I've made when planning out bakes! Never felt comfortable enough to post these on the other place. 1/6
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I made a basic Google form for signing up for a new astro feed. Feel free to sign up now (this will give me some data to play with). P.S.: do the rules look ok? I want to keep them brief but want to cover all bases.
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Lots of NANOGrav folks are rightly making the news; I want to highlight Prof. Sarah Vigeland, who shies away from the limelight, but is the chair of the NG gravitational-wave Detection working group. It's meticulous scientists like Sarah who make sure the analysis is right! 🧪
Made some gravitational wave cookies to celebrate today 🎉
Some cookies I made for friends who became astro doctors this spring. Can anyone name the inspiration for all of them?
Heyo! I just joined Bluesky and am an astrophysics PhD student. I enjoy figuring out how to condense information- whether it be for galaxy statics, outreach, or decorating science bakes 🌌
End of feed.