Knut Morå

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Knut Morå

Physicist looking for dark matter, nothing found so far.
Legger ut poster på [email protected]
Signal: kdund06.68
Nonneobservasjon: 2 stk på upper East side Respektfull distanse avholdt etc.
En ting som gjør meg veldig fornøyd er at jeg stadig føler meg mer komfortabel med å tilpasse ting _akkurat_ slik jeg vil ha dem, her eksemplifisert av mitt paraplyfestesystem for helgevesken:
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I've been thinking about an unusual kind of garbage problem. When the Large Hadron Collider shuts down, all those high-speed particles have to go somewhere. This is where: An 8-meter-long radioactive graphite trash can, called a beam dump. 🧪
Neste år er det altså 20-års jubileum for denne hjørnesteinene i norsk offentlig-rom-synsing!
For i dag får det holde med noen stillbilder så jeg slipper høre stemmen min! Fra "Det Offentlige Rom" (2005)
One of my most strongly held anti-individualist positions is that fireworks are more fun and better the more centralized it is-- I want and we all deserve One Big Rocket that lights up the night sky instead of this annoying patter of subcalibre stuff
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Thresher sharks use the upper lobe of their caudal fin, which can be as long as the rest of the shark, as a whip to stun prey fishes!
What's with the super long upper tails some sharks have?
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Gray Catbird checking to see if y'all are doing ok. Things certainly are challenging out there in the world #birds 🌿
Fridagen feires med forskrekkelig fænsy te
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The shark doctor is in! Ask me anything. Have questions about sharks? Marine biology? Ocean conservation? Me? Anything at all? Ask me anything! Ask away, my flight is in two hours and I’m bored. Tag friends who might have questions, and please share! 🧪🦑🌎
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Repost med dine fem ting du trodde ville spille en større rolle i livet ditt! Bermudatriangler Morsekode Alternative tidssystem (swatch .beat) Kompilerte programmeringsspråk microsoft windows
Refloff med fem ting du trodde ville spille en større rolle i livet ditt enn de endte opp med å gjøre: – kvikksand – geometri / evnen til å bruke passer – utrykket «solen står i senit» – The Tuesdays – NSB
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Ojojoj SE så flott kar!!!
Straight outta Homborsund Campingplass
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People unaccountable to the law are homo sacer which is the latin word for The Cool Zone
Ojojoj SE så flott kar!!!
Straight outta Homborsund Campingplass
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Lover dusør på et par hundrelapper alternativt donasjon til veldedighet til tegnekyndige som illustrerer en pensjonist med grilldress/landsknecht-antrekk
Dette vil jeg se for Norge!
How accurate is the weather forecast in your city? Niko Kommenda and I learned that NWS just began doing gridded assessments of forecast accuracy. We got the data and mapped of how many days into the future they get within 3°F of the observed high temp.
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IT IS TIME. The 6th annual United States of Science Challenge begins NOW. Each bubble represents classrooms we matched w/scientists over the last year. $10 donations fill in bubbles. The first region to close all their bubbles wins!
United States of Science By Skype a Scientist
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"content generation machines" seems like a good neutral term
Nå som det har vært opptil flere bsky-fødselsdager begynner jeg å undre: er det noe mening i dette at alle fyller hvert sitt år? Kan man vikariere og fylle hverandres? (Kan dette bli en metafor for kjærlighet?) Jeg ser for meg en eremittkreps som endelig har blitt stor nok til års-skallet
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Child's writing exercise from the Cairo Genizah, circa 11th century? On the left, some doodles including what may be a menorah. On the right, alphabetical exercises with niqqud. Ref T-S K5.19 University of Cambridge
For ca ti år siden satt jeg helger på et kontor i Geneve og strevde med å skrive en masteroppgave. Nå sitter jeg og skal skrive forskningsforslag og annen jobbsøking. Twixen fra automat og følelsen av å ha begynt alt for sent er den samme, så kanskje det finnes et håp for de neste ti
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En person skrev masse fint om meg til en annen person i forbindelse med jobbforespørsler og sendte meg en kopi og det kjennes jo som en kjempeoppmuntring :)
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[judge reads note from jury foreperson] "The jury appears to be deadlocked on the question of whether or not anything heavier than helium is a metal."
NFL just lost their antitrust trial. The jury ordered them to pay $4 billion in damages to the consumer class, which is tripled to $12 billion. One of the jurors is an astrophysicist. They requested a bunch of data that wasn’t in evidence. Judge suggested they were devising their own damages model!
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einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
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what a win for consumer protection! far too often a bribe is made and no quid pro quo is delivered. with this decision, a standard of post-action payment is established, ensuring an equitable system in which the consumer only pays once the deed is done
The final SCOTUS decision today is Snyder v. US. Kavanaugh has the court's 6-3 decision on ideological grounds, holding that the Section 666 bribery statute does not apply to "gratuities" given for public officials' *past* acts. Jackson writes the liberals' dissent.
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Okayyyyyy you asked for lots of hard to draw stuff and I made a lot of nightmare fuel from those requests. In the end, we have 3 deep sea creatures that would prefer that we collectively do NOT destroy their homes via deep sea mining. Try recycling maybe, they say.
Fin og gul båt på elven i dag