
MIT Live helicopter cam circling encampment. Last I heard, an hour ago, there were 4 humans linking arms inside. Minority view: There's no need to mix it up with a bunch of cops when people already left the encampment. It's just some tents. Ofc, protect every person. vid:
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) RISD is in the house! Building occupation now underway! gloss: RISD is pronounced "RIZ-dee" tweet:
RISD Let's go, art schools! A few hours before the building occupation, students gathered for a rally. Notably, the participants are largely women and femmes. video:
U Mass Amherst More than 100 vehicles of cops were at U Mass Amherst tonight making arrests. At first, the arrests were the staged sort where no one gets hurt. That fell apart. Police knocked people down and tased them. Here's a thread on Twitter with video. cw: violence:
U Mass Amherst ICYMI, it was very bad at UMass Amherst yesterday, well into the night and next day. A lot of violence. Mostly by State Troopers, it appears. Recent count per NLG in MA : 133 arrestees I added a bunch more to my Twitter thread today. link:
U Mass Amherst Undergraduate students doing a 10x more accurate article than the Boston Globe. Focusing on what's important and life-changing to the people involved not bureaucratic CYA official statements. tweet:
The New School "Refaat Alareer Faculty Solidarity Encampment" at the New School is the first known faculty encampment in the U.S. Established at 2 pm today. video:
The New School It didn't take two hours for the police to show up. They are watching a low-key sidewalk rally/picket. They're parked outside The New School, site of the new ‘Refaat Alareer Faculty Solidarity Encampment’. Video journalists are watching back. Katie's tweet:
Tulane In a beautiful exhibition of faculty solidarity with students, a series of professors recite their names and a statement about what they observed with their demands. Should become a model. video
Union Theological Seminary Union Theological Seminary’s board of trustees voted May 9 to divest from all companies profiting off the war in Gaza.  Union, a private, ecumenical school that maintains a $127 million endowment, is first U.S. institute of higher education known to divest.
Union Theological Seminary votes to divest from companies profiting from Gaza NEW YORK (RNS) — Union, a private, ecumenical school that serves as Columbia University’s faculty of theology but maintains a separate endowment, is the first U.S. institute of higher education known ...
New School It just kicked off at TNS. Two students pepper sprayed by 2 harassers outside during picket & rally. Police arrest TNS student. Faculty sit in front of the arrest vehicle. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now interviewing a teacher surrounded by students. Josh:
New School Update: Tense situation. More people rushing to scene. My take: cops will never want to admit they're wrong and give back an arrestee. But, people are not in the mood. said: "an arbitrary arrest of a black man on our picket." AP video:
New School Sigh. Already up to 20 arrests. (I hate to see it.) Chief Beaudette with megaphone. The credentialed video journalist recording this was battered and arrested by cops two nights ago. (Like Olga if you remember.) Josh's bruises are still progressing. video:
New School a New School prof, tweeted this about 45 min ago. She explains what triggered this situation. It's sort of a standoff. But, not because when people sit in front of the arrest vehicle, cops are happy to arrest them. tweet
New School Update from the scene. About 20 arrested. idk how many faculty. They've been carted off to OPP for processing. Sigh. Rn moving picket on sidewalk. But no more arrests imminent. Me raising a fuss = trying to make sure cameras are present to document. It's unsafe without them.
New School Arrest update. There's a smaller number of arrests than Josh had eyeballed. They are now guesstimating 8-10. It's great people were able to make that choice. And, student initially arrested likely will be accompanied thru the process now. Josh on Twitter:
New School Recap + update Faculty encampment cont'd. Supportive moving picket on sidewalk. ~6 pm 2 people pepper sprayed picketers. Police detained at least one attacker. Arrested a Black student. Faculty sat in front of police car. People arrived to support. 2 arrest waves. 10-30 folks.
New School Sociology Prof. Cresa Pugh was at the encampment with her pooch when it all went down. The goggles for the two of them are to fend off pepper spray. Both seem OK. Thank you to for this photo.
New School Amy Goodman (DN!) was also around. (idk if by chance or for reporting.) She interviewed at least one professor as events unfolded. I noticed on [@]Datainput's video Amy was also carrying a dog. Here's a still I captured from their video. She's at left. video
University of Kansas-Lawrence Law Prof is tailing protesters who are being pursued by police on the campus in Lawrence. Police are threatening arrest even though protesters aren't camping. They're just walking. Cops pursued them to the library and arrested 3 people.
Gaza protesters are protesting. They have no camping gear, have pledged not oppose police, and are attempting, yet again, to comply with the numerous restrictions placed upon them. No police are here yet.
University of Kansas-Lawrence This is resolving now after 3 arrests in the university library which was open. It appears that the rest of the protesters have gone home. Scroll up and down thru's thread to see how this played out.
Police have arrested 3 students in the university library. That's a real sentence in 2024.
Columbia University PoliticoNewYork reports Minouche will not be attending the graduation for the Columbia College Class Day ceremony. tweet:
[meta] My challenge with this 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 is picking what to post . Yesterday, 20 items didn't make it in. Big problem: police incursions and violence can happen in 2-6 encampments simultaneously. Info on violence might seem the most urgent? But it's often very preliminary. Day after info >accuracy.
NYU 3 hours ago "de-occupiers" entered NYU's main Bobst Library on Washington Sq. Park. If you want breaking news from the NYU library follow Talia or one of the other NYC videographers in my 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱. tweet:
NYU Excerpt from a flyer dropped inside NYU’s student-occupied Bobst Library. Follow Katie and shutitdownnyu on Instagram tweet:
NYU Several police entered library. Students not part of the occupation were told to leave. NYU isolated occupiers. Some type of negotiations happened. Word has come down students are being suspended (magically?). They're sitting in library during open hours. tweet:
NYU This is very, unnecessarily hard on students/
University of Kansas – Lawrence (KU) Last night, Prof. Yung was watching over ~25 pro-Palestine protesters as they walked on their quiet campus. 50 cops followed, nay, stalked them. All were threatened with arrest. Protesters split. Cops invaded the library and arrested 3 people. The result today:
So, three camera crews are here at the previous protest site at KU but there are no protesters. The students are worried that they will be arrested for trespass if they come back to campus and talk to the media. This is what a free speech chill looks like.
NYU Just sharing a few more images from today. This was posted at 3:43 pm. Banner drop inside the library: "Diana Tamari Sabbagh Library Liberated Zone" Diana Tamari Sabbagh is the name of a destroyed library in Gaza. video:
NYU Beautiful pic posted at 8 pm by an independent videographer. The library is a large presence. tweet:
NYU What they wrought. An empty library during finals week. If you click on that snippet of video, you can hear what the library interior sounds like. video and photos:
New School Remember yesterday when people pepper sprayed picketers at the New School? Which started a sequence of events resulting in the arrests of faculty and others? Talia Jane and colleagues have done incredible work figuring what these 2 guys did. Read her thread!
Overview Being subjected to invasive surveillance, regardless of your age, is now a part of attending protests. Bahar Ostadan is a police reporter for WNYC/Gothamist. tweet:
MIT "MIT, you can't suspend a movement." – Jaleesa Trapp tweet:
Overview That comment about not being able to suspend a movement is more poignant after seeing how violent police at MIT have been. (I don't have a good link atm.) To catch up on events, I encourage you to read Sasha's thread with their observations + analysis. tweet:
Overview For more weekend catch-up, check out NYT Campus Protests page. (I hope this Gift Link will work for the whole page!) Before you scoff, sometimes NYT gets it right. Or partly. And, it helps to watch when they start to change their party line. (It happens!) I learned stuff! Gift!
Universities Make Arrests, or Deals, to Protect Commencement Protesters were arrested Friday at the University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Arizona. Two other schools have bowed to student demands and canceled spe...
Overview Here's the Wall Street Journal, mostly only on U Penn and MIT. They have very good photographs. And the video shows some of the nastiness I mentioned at MIT. You can get some basic facts out of WSJ – like number of arrests and official statements. Gift link!
U Penn Here's how the Daily Pennsylvanian campus paper covered it when Philly and U Penn cops appeared at the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at around 6 a.m. on Friday. They arrested dozens.
In Photos: The morning the Gaza Solidarity Encampment was dismantled at DP photographers captured the arrests of dozens of protesters at the Gaza Solidarity Encampment on College Green on Friday.
UCLA ☄️ Important story ☄️'s Visual Forensics team, the best in the business, and a couple of crack J6 reporters looked at the attack on the UCLA encampment. Like NYT's examination of video from that day, WaPo says "police didn’t step in for over 3 hours." Yep. Gift link!
Despite warnings of violence at UCLA, police didn’t step in for over 3 Faculty had raised alarms in the days before the attack on pro-Palestinian protesters. That night, one witness called emergency services 11 times before police intervened.
Overview "This is what a police state looks like!" "The Old Hyperbole Is Now Reality." Zeynep Tufekci nails the current repression. Gift link:
Overview Gift: NYT round up of quick stories on Duke, Johns Hopkins, UCLA and Berkeley And 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼 "Frustrated by Gaza Coverage, Student Protesters Turn to Al Jazeera" 😮 An honest article with complaints about coverage saying where people are getting news. Gift link! (Thank you, gift giver!)
Students Walk Out in Protest at Duke Before Seinfeld Dozens left the ceremony, one of several graduations being held across the country on Sunday, as tension over pro-Palestinian demonstrators lingers.
Duke - Commencement Gift: Students' walk out as Seinfeld speaks. Good: ☄️Ties criticism to his wife's Insta post with Bill Ackman raising money for thugs who attacked UCLA. Says she "had helped bankroll" it ☄️Links NYT (strong) video evidence of UCLA attacks Not good: 🤨 "clashes" = 👎🏼 Gift link!
As Seinfeld Receives Honorary Degree at Duke, Students Walk Out in Following the walkout, the comedian, who has been vocal about his support for Israel, opted to take a lighter approach in his commencement speech.
Trinity – Cambridge (U.K.) Trinity College Cambridge, the University of Cambridge's wealthiest constituent college, has decided to divest from all arms companies. In Feb., MEE revealed Trinity had £61,735 invested in Israel's Elbit Systems which makes drones and land-based equipment for the IDF.
Exclusive: Cambridge's wealthiest college to divest from arms MEE revealed in February that Trinity College Cambridge had investments in Elbit Systems, Israel's largest arms manufacturer
Columbia Columbia University Ph.D. students walk out in protest at graduation. Twitter video:
Columbia Incredibly, the Columbia University campus is *still* crawling with police. This seems almost universally hated by the community. People say campus is "dead." Women have said cops are catcalling them. 🤨 Hundreds of faculty & staff pledge to “only do work that directly serves students."
Hundreds of faculty, staff pledge to strike from activities that ‘directly serve the administration’ until NYPD is removed from Hundreds of faculty and staff across Columbia, Barnard, and Teachers College have signed onto a strike, pledging to “only do work that directly serves students” until the New York Police Department is...
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Looks like highest number of walkouts I've seen so far. VCU had police arrest 13 students at an encampment attacking them with pepper spray. And NAACP wanted the governor canceled for interfering with a curriculum on race. Gift link:
VCU students walk out of commencement during Youngkin VCU students who walked out said they were demonstrating support for Palestinians and protesting some of the Republican governor’s crusade against efforts to promote racial equity in education.
cops catcalling, ugh gross with a side of gross 🤢
Definitely seems like someone said "well if we're being accused of it, might as well do it"
Well, that would make it reactive. I don't think that's the way it works. Zeynep ties the development of the current "police state" to specific historical events. I might quibble with her over exactly which events. But the trajectory means it's tied to systemic things. Not nose out of joint things.