
Yep, it was naive to think the cuts would stop at the humanities.
As the 21st century progresses, we're not going to need the population to have *less* knowledge of physics. Or high-level math like the programs just cut at WVU. How do all those 1's and 0's keep getting squished into smaller and smaller spaces? It's done by people who know physics. And not b.s.
It's like what just happened at West Virginia University. It was a farce. They cut graduate math programs. I think some (biomedical) engineering. And, physics IIRC. A lot of STEM. Extremely foolish when those programs lead to solid jobs and train the math and science teachers of a poor state. Nutz!
I went to Buffalo State and they are cutting the science teaching programs...seems like a road to nowhere.
Truly! Every generation that comes up, you gotta teach'em! I never thought I'd live to see public higher education being disassembled. It's happening. Anyone who thinks that's OK does not understand economics or sociology either.