Clara Fernandez-Vara

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Clara Fernandez-Vara

NYU Game Center faculty & Narrative design & game writing at Fiction Control. Media scholar, puzzle head, mystery wrangler.
The rest of the world also makes movies, with talent who produces great film and TV much cheaper. One good thing of streaming is that it’s widened access to international markets to non-US productions. Don’t blame he strikes, the market also keeps changing
US Film and TV Production Down 40% From Pre-Strike Level, Report The number of global film and TV productions is down 20% from 2022 and approximately 40% in the United States.
what people refer to as flash drives, usb drives, thumb drives, etc the little stick you pop in a port usually were not called zip drives by old people because there was an actual thing called a zip drive
Holiday thread: en route to the beach by train, someone really forgot their deodorant here. Here's to 3 hours of human perspiration.
Today, July 4, 1921, the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel parties with a ballroom full of revelers (The Shining, 1980 📽️)
I need to show off a bit. Wordle 1,112 2/6* 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
What happens when you put business interests in charge, instead of educators.
“ai” edtech company collapses after taking six million dollars from the Los Angeles school district to develop an “educational friend” platform.
A.I. ‘Friend’ for Public School Students Falls Los Angeles schools hired a start-up to build an A.I. chatbot for parents and students. A few months later, the company collapsed.
📢ATTN FREELANCE WRITERS📢 ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories is currently accepting pitches for a game history long read! Scope is 2.5K-4K piece suitable to ROMchip's Materials section (focus is close reads of game history artifacts). Pay is $1000. More info:
New ROMchip is an open access publishing venue dedicated to the historical study of games. While we serve most formally as a peer-reviewed journal for game history scholarship written by professional...
This is very similar to my take, and what makes me furious about TROS. TLJ told us that *anyone* can be a hero inspired by stories, then it could only be certain “special” people.
my cynical rise of skywalker take is that jj didnt change rey's origins bc of enmity w rian johnson, but bc he just personally cant relate to the story of a nobody who came from nothing like he was more invested in someone overcoming the legacy of their famous parents bc thats HIS story in his head
Opening keynote of Narrascope, which seems it’s been picked just for me 😍
En route to #Narrascope in Rochester, which takes place this weekend at the Strong Museum of Play. If you’re going to be there, give a holler!
It's hilarious how journalism are now making a fuzz because Siri is now going to "use AI" with our phones. How did you people think Siri was working before? Computer magic?
Hire more women to write your horror games starring women thank youuuuuuuuuuuu
The new cover for Introduction to Game Analysis definitely reflects my main research interest on detectives. When the illustrator sent me the sketch, I had to say yes.
The 3rd edition of Introduction to Game Analysis is now available! The book is now updated to reflect the importance of streaming culture and the role of AI in writing among other things.
The 3rd edition of Introduction to Game Analysis is now available! The book is now updated to reflect the importance of streaming culture and the role of AI in writing among other things.
The third edition of my book Introduction to Game Analysis, is now available for pre-order! This update includes sections on AI and writing essays, the role of streaming, and how digital downloads have change the way we write references.
Introduction to Game This accessible, third edition textbook gives students the tools they need to analyze games, using strategies borrowed from textual analysis. As game studies has become an established academic field, ...
Come to the office to get some quiet work time after classes are done to be interrupted by fire alarm tests every 5 min. *sigh*
If you're thinking of visiting the showcase in a couple days -- or even if you can't make it in person but want a glimpse of kind of games coming out -- definitely check out this amazing preview site our students assembled at lightning speed!
As both an English major and a cinephile, my brain couldn't help but make this connection.
these are just the dumbest fucking people
Dear US university administrations, please publish the policies that allow your community to protest peacefully. Who are organizers supposed to notify about the protest? What spaces are available to demonstrate? Without these policies, you are not fostering free speech you claim to uphold.
Re-introducing myself: I'm Halima, a writer and narrative designer based in London, UK. I'm a fan of all things human and fantastical; keen to get to know more folks in and around video games; and open to part-time, freelance work. Feel free to say hi if you feel like it ☺️
NYU Game Center Open Letter to President Linda G. Mills on the Arrests of NYU Students and Faculty at Gould Plaza (via NYU Game Center’s Twitter account)
Just alerting the game devs on here - if you were considering being part of the OTK summer game fest stream and didn't know much about it (like me), it's hosted by Asmongold, one of gamergate 2.0 people among other things. If your game is in there you're gonna be sending a certain kind of message.
The special episode of Bluey has better writing than a lot of TV drama these days. Touching, human, (even if technically they're dogs), so relatable. The writers understand*so well the struggles of (middle class) everyday life. It's wonderful - you're missing out if you're not watching it.
“movies are going to become video games”