Climate News

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Climate News

News about the status of our changing climate and environment and the actions being taken to mitigate the risks of climate change. Main areas of focus are on climate data, ecological research and renewable energy.
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In 2023, Irish farms with sheep fell by 1,000. The industry is on its way out, and it can't happen fast enough for nature. Offering farmers the option of being paid to rewild their land is such an obvious next step now. Why on earth aren't we taking it? 🌎
Fears for future of sheep sector as lamb prices tumble - Price cuts implemented by factories on lamb prices is driving sheep farmers to frustration and despondency according to the IFA.
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Costa Rica DOUBLED its natural forest cover while *increasing* food production, with huge benefits for farmers, nature, climate, + all society. How? Watch this great (short) RePlanet video to find out. We should be doing EXACTLY the same. 🌎
Costa Rica's Land Sparing One country has managed to increase wild nature and food production. That country is Costa Rica.WePlaneteer Hidde explains how they achieved this with a poli...
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I'm SO looking forward to learning from this. After November, no matter which way the election goes, we will need teaching like this since labor matters more than ever. i think it's going to be a great gift for the climate people in my life this year too. (Comes out Dec 3!)
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"Hello i think it's unfair to make corporations privatize climate losses that they legally caused but very okay to make consumers privatize the losses because i am very smart."
My university magazine interviewed a colleague about why he doesn’t like the Vermont climate superfund bill…. I’m quoted in disagreement. Small attacks that don’t “solve” climate change are good actually and spare me concerns about fairness lol
Vermont Will Charge Big Oil for Past Climate Change. Should Massachusetts Follow? BU’s Robert Kaufmann thinks this approach will not be effective in curbing climate change
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One more example of how regulations are mostly a joke in this country. Norfolk Southern, Boeing, Exxon, Plug Power. In the end, they write the rules.
The Hydrogen Tax Credit Rules Are Effectively The “three pillars” are crumbling.
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“Costa Rica DOUBLED its natural forest cover while *increasing* food production, with huge benefits for farmers, nature, climate, + all society. How? Watch this great video to find out. We should be doing EXACTLY the same.” -
Costa Rica's Land Sparing One country has managed to increase wild nature and food production. That country is Costa Rica.WePlaneteer Hidde explains how they achieved this with a poli...
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Another @guardian article on aviation with no mention of climate 🙄 "Extreme weather has been arguably the biggest headache for the travel industry so far, disrupting flights" Oh yeah? How about aviation disrupting the climate and causing big headaches to us all?
‘As prepared as we can be’: UK airlines and airports get ready for summer Measures to manage disruption include recruitment to fill shortages and investment in control centres
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The easiest way to make very low-emission steel is to use electric arc furnaces to remelt scrap using clean electricity. Steel is infinitely recyclable. China is moving in this direction. The US steel industry is doing pretty much nothing.
‘Turning point’ in China's pivot to clean steel China is the world's largest manufacturer of steel, and the sector is its second biggest source of carbon emissions.
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“The situation has now reached the point where the government can’t possibly make whole all those wiped out by a disaster, buy out all of the properties that have flooded repeatedly or finance all the beach projects that could defend coastal property against sea level rise and stronger storms.”
The U.S. is nowhere near ready for climate change » Yale Climate Despite recent investments in adaptation, the U.S. remains woefully unprepared for the coming extreme storms and floods.
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The environmental costs of farmed shrimp are wide ranging Western Mexico’s rapidly expanding shrimp farms, many of which are illegal, are contributing to the deforestation of the Pacific coast’s mangroves, an important habitat for jaguars:
Shrimp farms threaten Mexico’s mangroves and the jaguars that inhabit Among the spindly saline roots of the mangrove trees that line western Mexico’s coast, the jaguar is the ecosystem’s apex predator. Yet despite being at the top of the food chain, its existence is thr...
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For struggling insects and other native wildlife, the very best sort of garden you can have: nothing planted, just whatever happens to seed itself in. And as a major bonus, it requires pretty much zero work! #Rewilding 🌏
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“The world's food system is one of the biggest contributors to climate change -- at 22% (directly) to 33% (including indirect sources) of the world's total emissions. But we don't talk about it enough” -
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I’m on a hydrogen ferry across the Erdre in Nantes I suspect it’d make much more sense to use batteries here too…
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TER 91373 08:40 Nuits-sous-Ravières - Dijon Ville 09:27 SNCF for TER Mobigo BFC 114.64 km/h average 89.8 km 3 stops Train type: Alstom Régiolis 6 carriages
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I am SO pleased with the jacket cover of my forthcoming book 'The Magic of an Irish Rainforest: A Visual Journey': the designers at Hachette Ireland have done a fantastic job, as usual. I think people are going to absolutely LOVE this book!!! 🌎
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In over 15 years rewilding 30 acres, I've never once felt it was too much physically. But the moments I've been close to overwhelmed by the resulting magic and wonder have honestly been countless. Like finding the key to an enchanted dreamworld, but in real life. 🌏
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A brief history of self-regulation
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What’s the big deal with agriculture and climate change? 🌳 🚜 Shouldn't we be focused on stopping oil and other fossil fuels? Turns out, agriculture is responsible for as many emissions as the energy sector. For more on solutions, check out the DrawDown article:
Fixing food’s big climate It surprises many people to learn that the food we eat, the farms that grow it, and the landscapes we’ve cleared all contribute to climate change. And contribute in a big way.Unfortunately, policymake...
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Self regulation has resulted in the total destruction of 90% of forests world wide
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China has been electrifying nine times faster than the rest of the world: "the first major electrostate" - Philipp Heimberger
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If the CO2 concentrations trend continues on this trajectory, nothing else will matter really. As put it a little earlier today: “Molecules in the atmosphere is the only thing that actually matters.” Indeed. Everything else is quite literally just blah blah blah.
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"China has 180 gigawatts (GW) of utility-scale solar power under construction and 15GW of wind power. That brings the total of wind and solar power under construction to 339GW, well ahead of the 40GW under construction in the US."
China building twice as much wind and solar power as rest of world – Country on track reach 1,200GW of installed wind and solar capacity by end of 2024 – six years ahead of Beijing’s target
Yes - and China is a global leader in achieving both of those. Far ahead of everyone else:
While this is true, China is building Solar PV and wind energy faster than all of the world combined.
Solar PV, wind and hydro electricity production