Annie Leymarie

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Annie Leymarie

Nature - Climate - More-than-humans - Degrowth - Social justice - Food - Retrofits - Transport
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The Israeli occupation of the West Bank is expanding, in violation of international law and to the indifference of the administration.
I've voted Green. For the eels!
For my friends in England, it's election day! Happy voting to you all. Just remember: you have a long and proud history as a people who really fucking loved eels. Remember that, when you cast your vote. What would the eels want you to do? 🗃️🧪
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It's election time in the UK tomorrow and we too need to fight off a far-right liar On the other site, Greenpeace UK has provided some good explanations, including:
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Over 80 groups incl Amnesty & Oxfam call for corporate climate standards bodies to exclude carbon offsets from counting towards net zero targets They argue, amongst other things, that the use offsets undermines real-world emissions reductions
NGOs call for exclusion of carbon offset credits from corporate climate Dozens of campaigning organisations have signed statement warning that carbon offsetting 'undermines' corporate climate targets
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Navigating the space between doomism and hopium!
everyone more worried about climate change than me is a doomer. everyone less worried about climate change than me is hopelessly naive
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Reposted byAvatar Annie Leymarie
I'm so proud to have this piece in It's by journalist Mohammed Mhawish, and it's about what happened when he fled Gaza with his family. I know there's a lot going on in the news, but please, please read this. You need to know what Israel is doing.
“I Heard a Machine Gun Being Loaded”: A Harrowing Escape From I knew the journey might be dangerous. I never thought it would be this cruel.
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A country where a minority of voters can elect a president with king-like authority and impunity and federal agencies that lack the power to do any of the things they are meant to do if big rich companies say they don't like it. Culmination shit for the right wing project.
Well done Dorset Council (UK)! Buying a dairy farm for reforesting or rewilding is the way to go! It will cut down on water pollution, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and other climate impacts, biodiversity loss, water use - & improve human health!
Dorset Council buying dairy farm for nature The land at Higher Kingcombe will be changed to woodland or rewilded, says Dorset Council.
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Reposted byAvatar Annie Leymarie
Biden is the physical manifestation of the incapacity of the old, liberal order, as it confronts a reinvigorated extreme right. Mumbling liberalism was never going to be enough. Without a radical, uplifting left politics, we stand to lose everything.
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My climate change dashboard is updated again through May 2024... Higher resolution graphic available at
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We analyzed more than 100 breaking news stories about recent record-breaking heat and rainfall in the U.S. Less than half mentioned climate change. Only 11 percent mentioned fossil fuels, or other pollution sources.
The media is still falling short on HEATED analyzed 133 breaking news stories about recent climate-fueled weather in the United States. The results were dismal—but there were some bright spots.
“We’re seeing (…) still a refusal to call out animal agriculture as the leading cause, by far, of agricultural emissions, as well as other forms of environmental destruction in food and agriculture systems.”
Food's climate footprint was once again MIA at global At the G7 and Bonn talks, leaders failed to discuss "the cow in the room."
Air pollution 😟 "Dirty air is now the 2nd biggest killer globally. Tackling air pollution cd also have beneficial impacts on climate" "Since the 1980s [air pollution] particles have offset 40-80% of warming caused by GHGs"
We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to The burning of fossil fuels has been cooling the planet while warming it — presenting problems for the future.
Bravo Denmark! "Denmark has made history this week: it took a bold step in reducing the country’s emissions, setting an example for the rest of the world. Denmark became the first country globally to introduce a carbon tax for livestock emissions."
Denmark Becomes The First Country To Introduce A Carbon Tax For Livestock Denmark becomes the first country to introduce a carbon tax on livestock emissions, aiming to cut emissions by 70% from 1990 levels by 2030.
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Reposted byAvatar Annie Leymarie
The Government of Denmark had just agreed to a tax on livestock emissions. €40 in 2030, rising to €100 in 2035. Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen says: "We will be the first country in the world with a CO2 tax on agriculture.” Looks like New Zealand is now distinctly behind in that race.
Regeringen og parterne i Grøn trepart indgår historisk Aftale om et grønt Danmark | Ø Regeringen og parterne i den grønne trepart er enige om et langsigtet grundlag for omlægning og omstilling af Danmarks arealer og af fødevare- og landbrugsproduktionen. Indsatserne i aftalen vil reduc...
On solar geoengineering: "The paucity of controls means there is little to prevent individual countries, cities, companies or even wealthy individuals from trying to modify their local climates, even if it is to the detriment of people living elsewhere"
Climate engineering off US coast could increase heatwaves in Europe, study Scientists call for regulation to stop regional use of marine cloud brightening having negative impact elsewhere