
Recently a friend gently reminded me that I should *tell people* when I am going to an event sometime before I'm literally packing to attend the event, so: I'm going to be a facilitator at a writing retreat in Caroline, AB:
WGA Fall Writers’ Retreat 2024 (in-person retreat)
I am going to be busting my buns on a revision of The Yarrow Throne, my epic anti-colonial grad student wizard political intrigue fantasy, doing a workshop, and giving a talking speechy thing. I will also bring knitting, so if you're coming bring a handcraft. I believe there is a porch.
After this event I will be at Viable Paradise, as an instructor (Those fools! They accepted me again!) and then after that I don't have any travel scheduled until probably 4th Street Fantasy in June 2025. If that changes, I promise to tell you all well in advance.
This is my first time facilitating a writing retreat. Leah Horlick has the experience! She's a poet, and I'm really looking forward to her sessions. When I went looking for her work I found this linked from her website, and I really love how she joins images saturated by emotional meaning.
Aren’t you (virtually) attending Worldcon in August?
And I am currently crowdfunding to go to Viable Paradise this year so that I can be one of your students! I'm so excited about the workshop, and look forward to seeing you again (we met at Chicon) and we share a French publisher.
And if anyone is interested, you can check out my feed. And I will be publishing an excerpt from my novel-in-progress if and when I get halfway to my goal.
And I am currently crowdfunding to go to Viable Paradise this year so that I can be one of your students! I'm so excited about the workshop, and look forward to seeing you again (we met at Chicon) and we share a French publisher.
Oh gosh, thank you for telling me! ChiCon was a blur