
Anyone can be a moron, any race, any gender, any creed, any sexual orientation, rich, poor, uneducated, Nobel laureate. Every language has a word for this. It's not the same as a targeted slur to a specific class that doesn't apply to any other.
“In the United States, eugenics influenced much of the immigration and segregation policies in the 20th century. "Moron" and other words like it — such as "idiot" — were used to support racist, classist ideas and to advance white supremacy behind the mask of scientific advancement.“
The Origins of the Word "Moron" Are Actually REALLY It's much more than just a casual insult.
I'm sure that you are well aware that the meaning of words evolves over time.
So you’re calling people moron as a compliment, and not using it in a negative way to dehumanize them. Fair enough then.
Sir, if you don't think that nazis and confederates don't earn and deserve dehuminization when they commit atrocities to people you love, then we are just on different sides of this. I don't need your validation, and I'm not gonna convince you otherwise.
Stop. You're wrong to do this. I know you want to dehumanize evil people because their actions and beliefs are repulsive but all you're doing is entrenching a notion of the same kind of moral purity where being percieved as a racist is infinitely worse than doing racist things a mistake. stop it.
It is *vital* to support the idea that people can walk away from repugnant views and seek to mend the harm they did instead of throwing them into living damnation. fucking stop this shit immediately. it's unacceptable. Go fix something.
Hey, thank you for this. I spend lots of time & energy (it takes me a long time to write to other ppl) in my community in ways that might not be friendly, but ALWAYS leave them a path to redemption. And I think people have been noticing it. So hearing this from someone is really important to me
I hope more people say it, and what's more, practice it.
what are the odds the dude will actually stop this shit and go take care of a laeky faucet or something, though
Sadly probably pretty low. Which is unfortunate because stopping the shit and getting off social media to fix something would help him in the long run.
I believe that even George Wallace regretted his racist actions and worked against the views that he once espoused.