
I think I need to cogitate on what’ll likely be a complex task on Sunday: how to explain on here why the French center-right is going to treat the Communist Party as a non-far-left force with which it CAN form a national unity gov, but not the LFI party (also part of left bloc).
The French communist party was part of a governing coalition in the 90s and didn't erode democracy. They even had ministries. LFI has never governed and is led by someone broadly seen as antisemitic and vowing to reshape French institutions.
They were way more problematic in the 80s, when there's still a Soviet Union to look up to.
The point was that they were in government then too, and they didn't erode democracy either. Which makes the point that LFI being singled out is just silly fearmongering
The Mitterrand years were terrible for democracy. Spying on journalists and opponents? Undercover operations? enemies lists? Not good.