
We’re a rightwing country getting harder right and voting for the “lesser evil” won’t fix it but it might buy us a lil more time
If Modi is all but bragging about it according to the article, but his words were "This New India comes into your home to kill you.", what is the meaningful distinction between this and bragging?
Good Lord. Wow. This is so scary! The Indian extremists on Twitter are absolutely bonkers. COMPLETELY. They make the MAGA look normal (not really...but they are like the q-anon MAGA). One of them pulled me into a conspiracy theory about chili peppers. They are racist too!
India has used the "British" method to control the population ever since it got independence. Very, very casual and capricious brutality. No animal on earth is more cruel to its own kind than humans. The Indians excel at their "humanity". No one expects the Indian Inquisition.