Carolina A. Miranda

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Carolina A. Miranda

"Elegante y muy cabrona."
you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table
For the fútbol heads: I've been reading about the infamous Partido Fantasma or "Ghost Game" between Chile and the USSR in Nov. 1973. It was held weeks after the military coup in Chile and the Soviets refused to travel to Santiago for the match, which was a qualifier for the World Cup.
FIFA said the Chileans could officially win the match if they scored a goal. So the team showed up at the National Stadium, ran across the field and scored. It lasted 28 seconds. Here's video:
Chile vs Unión Soviética, 1973 (PEPELOTAS) Para clasificar a la Copa del Mundo de Alemania ´74, Chile no sólo tuvo que definir la serie sudamericana con un tercer partido de desempate frente a Perú en...
The stadium had been used to detain nearly 40,000 political prisoners (and summarily execute more than 400) for nearly two months after the coup. I read one account that said there were still several thousand prisoners at the stadium for the Ghost Game.
P.S. seeing conflicting figures on the number assassinated at the stadium. I haven't yet dug into the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's report.
So where do we return Trump? Because he's broken a whole host of them.
"Our message to illegal immigrants is also this. We will return you to your country of origin. Not because you're all bad people, but because you broke the law." - a speaker at the convention that nominated Donald Trump
So as everyone blabs on and on about Trump saying he wants to unify, I just want to point out that Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet once helped create a holiday called "A Day of National Unity."
Bummed for my boyfriend James Rodriguez. 🇨🇴😢
Messi just did five somersaults so that he would be in better view of the cameras while they looked at his leg.
I want a choreographer and a theater critic to weigh in every time a player falls and clutches their leg with an evaluation of the performance.
So far, we got admissions chaos in Florida at the #CopaAmerica. Game delayed by 45 min.
There’s an Argentinean lady on Univision saying the US is not ready to host a Copa.
Footage of a security guard beating the crap out of someone.
Ok we got our first James and Messi shot — players heading to the pitch.
Univision saying that family members of some of the players have been unable to access the stadium because of the chaos outside.
You guys maybe the U.S. isn’t as good at security as it thinks it is.
Univision announcers say it’ll be another 30 minutes before this starts.
I’ve already eaten all my snacks.
Looks like things are about to get started. Univision reporting that things are calm outside now. Organizers apparently let everyone in regardless of whether they had a tickets or not.
Among the many things that Fox is not be doing on its Copa coverage is referring to La Araña and El Pupi.
Somebody pls write a media analysis of Fox vs Univision coverage of this game.
I have Fox on for one of the first times in this tournament. And they are showing none of this. From their perspective it just seems to be a mystery what has been happening…
At this point just hoping that the post game security situation doesn't put people in the hospital