Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò

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Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò


political philosopher at Georgetown University. giving this a shot, I guess.
Today was great. We fed so many people today in Tampa, connected with families and are working to build more community run gardens in people's spaces. The city isn't going to help its people - the people will help themselves!
kamala harris at the iowa state fair, corndog and french’s in hand, giggling “as they say, mustard on the beat ho.” +10 in the polls
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden. x.com/fawfulfan/st...
i mean shit that's probably at least half of what got him here. maybe we shouldn't let the professional TBI guys post online without like. a personal vibe checker.
Four months ago, the Economist thought the country was being run pretty well.
meanwhile on Twitter, Ryan Garcia has been expelled from the WBC after some apparently unhinged posting
Kendrick shouldn’t be president but he should be allowed to determine the Democratic Party nominee
The NYT editorial everyone’s talking about today
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
As a result, rather than a just, equitable and sustainable global order, we have a highly imbalanced and volatile one, in which lack of opportunity in the Global South drives migration that fuels nativism in the Global North, even as nostalgia for colonial grandeur fuels resentment of decline. 4/
When neo-colonial extractivism à l'outrance became unsustainable, the response was not to fundamentally alter developmental models, but to cloak them in neoliberal globalization. 3/
When anti-colonial liberation movements made colonialism no longer tenable, the response was not to fundamentally alter the relations between the colonial powers and the newly independent states, but to recreate them via neo-colonialism. 2/
In thinking about how we've arrived at this moment of reaction across Europe and the US, I can't help but return to the longer cycles of history and the way in which rather than solve world historical problems, we have often simply recreated them in alternate forms. 1/
When I was a teenager, I organized a protest with a couple of friends after Michael Griffith was killed in Howard Beach. Almost no one showed up. I think we had 6 people [including us 3 organizers]. I was crushed. I cried to my dad & he asked: "what did you say to the three people who joined you?"
love to watch Sir Lord Fuddlesticks, the Tory candidate, stand quivering next to Bradley Thumb, running for Labour, as they wait to see who will represent the fine people of Northrop Grumman-Upon-Coal
there's a dark room somewhere where Sir Clotworthy Skeffington and friends are quietly plotting their revenge. but I like to think they're going to sob a little bit first www.axios.com/2024/07/04/u...
U.K. Labour Party wins landslide election over Conservatives: exit pollwww.axios.com It's been 14 wild years since the Tories took power.
Moral of the story: your teens are also concerned about what misinformation YOU have encountered on the World Wide Web.
I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
It will take time and a lot of work to excise the appeasement impulse from Labour culture. I expect Starmer to make numerous unnecessary culture war concessions to conservatives and the far right out of a misguided fear of losing voters, even after this landslide victory.
Labour’s campaign was extremely cautious, and given past defeats I understand why. But now the UK center-left has a huge majority in a system with many fewer choke points than in the U.S. Let’s hope they’re ready to govern like the dominant party they now are
Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
I’d pay to see Pritzker airflare
right wing think tanks are making thinly veiled threats of political violence, the Supreme Court has neutralized the regulatory power of broad swaths of government, and the fate of the executive branch depends on whether the 81 year old atop it can learn to breakdance or something. Happy July 4th
gotta say between this and the "learn from Abraham Lincoln how to distinguish yourself from people who believe in Black equality" published on Juneteenth it's clear that the vibes at NYT opinion are extremely hostile
i really am going to be logged off for the holiday but i would like to drop off a parting thought: publishing a monarchist anti-voting take on the fourth of july is the strongest possible indication of someone's core, true values
REMINDER: The multinational conglomerate 3M (or as they were originally known Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing) was/is run by evil motherf*ckers who knowingly poisoned the entire world, including all our bodies with toxic "forever" chemicals. #MakePollutersPay 🔌💡 www.commondreams.org/news/pfas-fo...
'They're Everywhere': Common Foods Linked to Elevated Levels of PFAS in Body | Common Dreamswww.commondreams.org Results from a new study "definitely point toward the need for environmental stewardship, and keeping PFAS out of the environment and food chain," a co-author said.
The Israeli occupation of the West Bank is expanding, in violation of international law and to the indifference of the administration.
“A senior source involved with…Trump’s 2024 effort… and another person working with the Heritage-based Project 2025 (the conservative policy agenda project) tell Rolling Stone that the point of these multi-pronged legal attack plans and potential blitz of challenges isn’t necessarily to win…”
It should not be controversial to say that prison sexual violence and/or coercion is never a good thing or an appropriate thing to joke or threaten about, even when the target is someone terrible. It is a deeply fucked up, traumatic part of our carceral system.