
Environmental protesters have sprayed Britain’s most famous prehistoric structure, Stonehenge, with orange paint a day before huge crowds are expected to gather there for the summer solstice. Tap to read more:
What a dick move. And pure vanity too, this does nothing to "stop oil." That would require going to local meetings, particularly those discussing business regulations; campaigning for clean energy candidates; and maybe running for something oneself. You know, actual work. Not vandalism.
If I were a Roger Stone-type dirty trickster working for oil interests, and I wanted to shatter the pro-climate coalition as much as possible to prevent them from gaining traction, I would fund these twits.
what if you were aileen getty, heiress to the getty oil fortune? is that close enough? because that's literally who funds Just Stop Oil
I think it's at a couple of removes but I may have misunderstood the structure of things. I have no problem with that, in principle! Though I think generally that bajillionaires are a policy problem
don't you think that someone who stands to profit from oil funding a protest group about oil would be a pretty big conflict of interest? further, doesn't it make sense that if that group was ineffective and unpopular it would be ideal for that same oil barony?
I generally don't assume I know anything about what someone thinks, unless they tell me, or I can observe clear actions, like this one that we are reacting to. She could have a lot of reasons for doing this. Some are salutary! Some are not. Some are probably both! I don't know which are real.
I have no proof that's what's happening, so I try not to talk about it, but I'm like 98% sure the fossil fuel industry is funding this
it's dyed cornstarch. it will wash off in the rain
Rare lichen species grow on Stonehenge, it's not just rocks. Normally I don't think protests should aim to be approved of by everyone, but this protest harmed the environment while accomplishing fuckall.
Save the lichen. Pitch the dudes in this thread who still think being contrarian is a personality into the sun.
don't' worry the lichen will all die with the rest of the planet anyway!
You sound like someone who doesn't give a shit about the environment with this comment. Good job.
I definitely don't give a shit about lichen that can't handle cornstarch.
Given that gas and oil burning has created an EXISTENTIAL CRISIS for humanity its hard to care about rare lichen. Nature will remain and adapt long after we've destroyed ourselves and lichen ain't going anywhere.
*screams in congestion pricing*
Man there sure are a lot of dickheads in this thread
true, but also sometimes cool people just don't agree on something and that's represented here too
"Hey guys! I know a great way to make a point about the destruction of the shared heritage of humanity! We can threaten to destroy and or destroy the shared heritage of humanity, thus equating ourselves with what we oppose!" Dissent needs to be loud, and disruptive, but this is fucking dumb.
if it can destroyed by coloured cornstarch it should be destroyed by coloured cornstarch
“Dissent needs to be loud but not like this” is different from “protests need to be civil and non disruptive” how Explain specifically the proper way to be loud (don’t actually this is rhetorical but do think about it)
It is a pointless protest because there is no relationship between the damage they did at Stonehenge and the actual concerns they have. A movement genuinely concerned about some issue typically wants to encourage support in a way pointless vandalism doesn’t.
When I ask you if you mind if I smoke and you go and piss on a hydrant, your action get noticed, but not as participation in a conversation. Also, it makes it SO easy to just write protesters and their concerns off as unhinged. I know people do that either way, but it's unwise and harms the cause
I keep saying that if the people that does this kind of things (and I'm incluying french protesters raiding the streets) put half of those efforts into going after the actual responsables of the problems they protest against, we would have the world solved in a matter of years.
Like, a billonaire businessman can ignore mobs on the streets or historic works of art getting vandalized, but he can hardly ignore his own house being assaulted with Molotov cocktails.
Or even just going after the signs that say, for example, 'Getty' outside art museums, and not the art inside
Re: well what should we do? How about not reinventing the wheel? Go and help Greenpeace. They are pretty good at this stuff.
This is fine because there's actually a layer of glass they put over the painting for exactly this sort to misc-- Oh. Um. I guess that doesn't apply in this case.
Last time I checked poster paint washes off in the rain. Doubt the rocks mind
Rock is famously very fragile
It's called soap and water. These stones have and will survive worse. We won't.
so its not actually disruptive and its a photo op?
...yes, it's not disruptive, and it makes global news and causes people, for better or worse to talk about climate change and big oil. Again: NOT A NEW FORM OF PROTESTS. LITERALLY THE SAME AS BLOCKING TRAFFIC OR ACCESS TO BUILDINGS OR PIPELINES BY MACHINERY.
deeply not the same as blocking access to pipelines
They are working to make holding a sign at a protest illegal too, people have already been charged for that
You don't think there are people, whole rightwing networks that dedicated time, around groups blocking access to pipelines and made it out as if they were the villains? That's my point. This act is LITERALLY HARMLESS. It generates conversation. These young groups grow. But no, call them vandals 🙄
yea people had to be paid to call pipeline protests Villainous because nobody except oil companies likes a pipeline probably why it's a good and strategic target, to damage something only rich people care about
No one's talking about climate change or big oil. They're talking about what a-holes these idiot "protestors" are.
You're literally replying to a national news network article that posted who the group are and what they're specifically protesting. Literally their goal...
The discussion around it is entirely about how they are a-holes, and this is literally their goal, since their organization is funded by an oil heiress.
No, that's what cunts like you are talking about. Thankfully not everyone's a cunt like you.
revolutionary new climate praxis "carbon dunking"
blocking traffic or access to buildings or pipelines by machinery actively prevents their construction and maintenance which serves to provide other activists the time they need to pursue other avenues that will contribute to their goals, such as organizing boycotts, labor strikes, and lawsuits
There are thousands of organizations already doing this.