
The US Justice Department is nearing an agreement with Boeing that would include a corporate monitor and a fine in exchange for a guilty plea to criminal charges — an offer the lawyer representing the families of victims of two fatal 737 Max crashes harshly rebuked as a “sweetheart deal.”
Boeing will get a ‘sweetheart’ plea deal, says lawyer representing 737 Max crash victims | CNN The US Justice Department is nearing an agreement with Boeing that would include a corporate monitor and a fine in exchange for a guilty plea to criminal charges — an offer the lawyer representing the...
No! No sweetheart deal. They already cost one whistleblower his life.
Don't do it again. Now stand in the corner. Don't worry. It's time for another space hero.
Boeing murders whistleblowers.
Boeing was always con-ing/corrupting its way around. Winning contracts for planes they had no experience building. It was huge scandal when DoD awarded contract for B-17 bombers even if they never built such planes before. Rest is history. And now this… USA is the most corrupt country world-wide.