Socyclist 🚴

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Socyclist 🚴

Parent, veteran public high school sociology & history #teacher, #socialist, #unionist, lover of all things #cycling, video games and #discgolf
Milwaukee. Your tax dollars funding dudes driving around watching YouTube... While driving. ACAB
In a hotel room, so my kids turned the TV on. So glad NBC is giving JD Vance a voice to downplay fascism.
"That wasn't part of our deal, Blackheart!"
Just another day of war crimes going unchecked.
An Israeli attack has killed at least 16 Palestinians and injured 50 others at UNRWA's Al-Jaouni school sheltering displaced people in al-Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the strip said on Saturday.
Israeli attack kills at least 16 at UNWRA school for the displaced in Gaza, ministry says | The Israeli military says militants were operating in the area. A displaced man at the school says children are among the injured.
I would watch Jasper Philipsen barely lose all day.
Don't worry. Joe Biden's top advisor.... Hunter Biden.... Is navigating the Biden campaign. We're in good hands.
Reposted byAvatar Socyclist 🚴
Remember when right-wing officials were organizing protests during covid? Against masks, schools, closings, doctors, cell phone towers, etc. Why aren't liberal politicians organizing any protests?
I love the idea that "I was falling asleep" is supposed to be a good excuse for Biden's debate performance. "Naw Jack, I'm not suffering from dementia. I was falling asleep on my feet."
Remember in 2005/2006 when Democrats claimed that if they had the majority they'd go after Bush for all his post-9/11 hijinks? They got it, but instead of making an example of Bush, they solidified a lot of his policies while giving bankers trillions. How can anyone trust these people?
Fuck any and all liberals who blame anyone other than Biden at this point. We're looking down the barrel of a GOP gestapo, and Biden wants to play the moral high-ground card? This is now entirely Biden's fault. He could drop out. He could use these new powers to stop Trump. He chose nothing.
I’m glad Biden addressed the nation last night (proof of life and all) but his message amounted to: I will not use the vast power the court just gave me, but Trump will. Good for contrast, horrible in conceding the premise that there are two sets of rules.
A Better Way To Respond To The Supreme Court's Intolerable Immunity Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Biden should (but won't) simply use the DoJ to attack not only Trump, but the SCOTUS as well as the GOP.
Socrates was right about democracy.
So, what are Biden's plans for his new kingly powers?
If presidents have legal immunity, and Biden doesn't use this new power in a particular manner... Any future Trump/fascist anything is entirely his fault.
Milwaukee's biggest budget item is law enforcement. This entire article excludes any mention of police and their refusal to enforce traffic laws. Like so many things in society, this basically says "it's up to people to change for things to improve".
Speed City: Milwaukee Looks to Put its Bad Driver Reputation in Several national studies in recent years have ranked Milwaukee as one of the worst cities in the nation for speeding and reckless driving
Democrats won't get rid of Biden. They'll just assume enough people will forget/ignore it just like they did COVID.
NBC Sports is the worst. Not to mention the insanely frightening USMC ad every break. #TourdeFrance
Hookless wheels are the perfect example of the cycling/bike industry creating unwanted (and in this case dangerous) "innovations" to pressure consumers to buy it. Nevermind it was a massive failure last time they tried it 50-plus years ago.
For years, when Trump had a bad policy, liberals complained. If someone pointed out that a former Democrat President did the same thing, they'd dogpile on you crying (inaccurately) "whataboutism!" Today, in response to calls for Biden to stepdown, they say "what about Trump?" 🤦 #BlueMAGA
Blue MAGA right now: Biden actually did great. Trump's constant string of lies would confuse anyone. Biden shouldn't drop out, Trump should. This is a form of ageism. Alley cats! Biden did poorly because he has a cold.... Again. Anyone concerned actually likes Trump. He's the best President.