
Well this tracks with the angry Facebook populous
Gotta say, even my largely politics-is-not-for-me relatives on Facebook are having a fucking conniption over the SCOTUS ruling. My uncle posted "We left England because we don't want a King. Charles is an inbred." I'm not sure what one has to do with the other, but he's right.
just hoping that if we're able to turn the tide against these Fascists that there is the political will to 1) prosecute those that have broken the laws 2) tax the ever lovin' shit out of them 3) reform, reform, reform. Play by the rules but it's time to stop allowing them to game the system.
In my experience, if you see 30% on a poll, that usually correlates to the fanatical maga section of society and can “safely” be ignored in terms of the poll.
I think a lot of people know somebody who, while they don't think they're gong to get murdered by them, politics are a risk factor. like they love the even-worse party and a scenario is plausible-ish
Kind of heart-warming to see that people who have not really been paying attention to politics, on a site that has prett much banned political speech, are concerned about this ruling.
about 30% of us are monsters - I can see them clearly - I wish everyone could
Let's put this latest set of terrible decisions into perspective: In 1972 my father, a pedophile, married my mother, who had 5 children. She HAD to marry him. She had no $ = low wages Couldn't get a credit card or a rental on her own He was a godking
My life shows the world of abuse that republicans want for us My very first memory, the decayed brick work upon which I balance the rest of my days, is of tussling with my caramel and chocolate colored pit-bull named Bella, in a dusty, spartan backyard in cookie...
Murdoch calls the windsors, “the Germans.”