Coach Gowron

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Coach Gowron

You will be inspired, or else.
In case anyone is looking for the perfect gift for their favorite Coach for Kahless's Birthday and Melee Combat Holiday next month... Just look at the facsimilogical beauty of it!
Curling Intramurals begin this weekend! We will be sure to sweep, to hurry hard, to clear the house! For glory!
Once more enjoying a holo-adventure in the blue box thing. This time my costume is excessively colorful, unbefitting a true warrior! Also the holoprogram's character notes simply say "Be a jerk." That I can do!
Yesterday's holo recess was such a success that we went back again today, but somehow my costume was different. I miss the scarf, and I hate celery, and somehow the robot plumbers are back! How many times is this program going to reuse them!
For 3rd Period holodeck adventure today the children voted for this confusing time traveling adventure. The puny sonic weapon I had was utterly worthless until I unlocked the secret "Stab" setting, after which those stupid janitor robots stood no chance at all! Plus we saved London or something.
I have confiscated this non-regulation bat'leth from one of the exchange students. I don't care if it's traditional in your galaxy, Garian, it will never be permitted at Regionals next week!
It's been too long since I've organized a heist. What should be our next big score?
Honor has a new action figure. Also Brad is there.
Sometimes there is nothing as uplifting as lending your voice to the glorious chorus! Except that Gary's vibrato is really annoying.
Thinking fondly of the week I filled in for the pre-school teacher. Though I was the teacher, which of us really learned the greatest lessons of all? The children, of course. I taught them moQbara!
Start your day with a motivational breakfast!
Teach your young ones the value of honor and stabbing in one glorious toy!
I call this "Drinks Are On the House."
With the future on the line, there's only one course of action: Time to steal us some whales.
It is Parachute Day in the gym! Reminder to all participants to bring their signed Permission Slip and adhere to the strict No Farting In the Parachute rule!
I am enjoying a day off at Risa's Temtibi Bay Water Park Adventure Cove. Soon I shall conquer the lazy river, and the mightiest waves in the wave pool will not take me down. Please ignore Brad and his Parmaqqay.
I am filling in for the music teacher today due to an unfortunate mushroom-related mishap. Rest assured my little musical warriors WILL conquer Hot Cross Buns, and none in the audience shall remain unmoved by the shriek of our glorious recorder onslaught.
Remember, how you communicate is almost as important as what you communicate. Do it honorably.
By Kahless's beard, what was in that bloodwine last night???
Coach Gowron Reviews Atari Adventure. Cutting edge graphics allow you to really feel like you are a mighty square. Ducks can be slain with your little arrow, but watch out for the bat thing! It will steal your arrow at the worst time! The best thing about the game is the fireworks when you win.
Summer Classes start tomorrow! Join me for 2D Animated Dodgeball on the school holdodeck. Safety protocols are disabled, for glory!
Whether it's crushing an enemy on the field of glorious battle, or sewing plush toys for disadvantaged kids, get you a warrior who can do both.
Thinking of running for office again this fall. I'll have to get the campaign bus out of storage behind the abandoned baby food refinery.
Bring honor to your House and your Turntable. Qapla'!
Working on a follow-up to this later this year: "How To Win Allies and Decimate Enemies: Mastering the Stabalogical Arts."
Get fit, the Klingon way. Warning: Roughly 2/3 of the chapters are about punching.
If you never shoot for the moon, how can you hope to ever destroy it?
End of feed.