Coach Gowron

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Coach Gowron

You will be inspired, or else.
Reposted byAvatar Coach Gowron
It is no comfort to tell someone who is struggling that others have it worse. At best, you add guilt to their worries. At worst, you invoke wider despair. A true warrior knows not to borrow trouble, and to help your comrades, not add to their burdens.
This is Chief O'Brien! My comms got mixed up with Coach Gowron's because SOMEBODY hooked up a fax machine to the central comm link and then punched it when it didn't work! Now I need to strip naked and oil up to wriggle into the access panel to fix it. Julian, I'm going to need your help with this.
This is Coach Gowron. My feed seems to be coming out of O’Brien’s comms, as his feed is coming out of mine. I have faith that he will fix this swiftly, because I’ve seen his plungelogical work so comms should be nothing for a warrior such as him! In the meantime, dodgeball practice is still at 0700!
Someone who promotes themeself as a hero rarely is, for it is not a title or a job description you can simply bestow upon yourself. Live honorably, assist others, defend those who need it, and you will be somebody's hero whether or not the word is ever spoken.
A warrior is not defined by the fights they have won, but by what they fight for. Stand for those less privileged, stand for the powerless, stand for those who will come after you. Stand for honor, or you stand for nothing at all, and are worth even less.
Kahless tells us rain makes a hole in stone not by violence, but by falling often. The power of persistence should never be undervalued. If your goal is not met, do not give up, for if mighty stone can be cracked eventually, so too can you find victory.
Sometimes it feels as though we grow up too slowly but grow old too fast. Know that we all experience this. Know too that while we may not experience this at the same rate or at the same time, a true warrior knows that real strength, and true honor, is when we grow together.
Reposted byAvatar Coach Gowron
Kindness driven by ego demands recognition. Kindness from the heart requires neither recognition nor reciprocation. Be kind, but be cognizant of your intention. If seeking recognition, extend kindness inward; self love soothes the ego and allows you to open your heart to others without expectation.
Kahless tells us that where your journey takes you is less important than who you are when you get there. Be true, warrior, and be glorious no matter your destination.
Sometimes doing the right thing means accepting that you are in the wrong. Stubbornness and persistence can be great assets, but not when they lock you on a path that leads you in the wrong direction.
Why should you fight injustice, if it affects only others? Why should you defend rights that don't affect you? Because it isn't justice if you only care when it applies to you. Because rights apply to all, or nobody at all. Because you are a true warrior, and honor calls for it.
When we live through difficult times it can be easy to succumb to despair, to see nothing but darkness on the horizon. But one day, in happier times, songs will be sung of those who persevered. Strive to be sung about as one who brought hope, as one who carried light over that horizon.
When someone tells you that you are not good enough, that you can't do something, it is because in their heart they fear you can. Use this knowledge, and prove their fears correct!
A polite bigot is a bigot nonetheless. A true warrior knows that courteous words do not dilute the poison, but only serve to conceal it until it has spread. Civility in the service of hate deserves no polite response.
Reposted byAvatar Coach Gowron
Do not allow words directed against you to become your burden. You have enough weight on your shoulders already -- don't let those who wish you ill encumber you with more.
If you question whether you are a good person, whether you are worthy, then you have already demonstrated the capacity to be one. The truly dishonorable never worry about such things. Strive to be worthy, and in so doing show that you have it within you.
There are some who will hate you for who you are, for no reason other than you do not conform to their insular notions. Do not let them sway you! You are a warrior of honor and courage, not a puppet who bobs on the strings of their prejudices and bigotry.
Concern yourself with who you are, not who others think you are. You cannot control how they see you, so why would you allow them to control how you see yourself?
Allow yourself to celebrate even the smallest of victories in the face of adversity. Don't snuff out a light because it is not bright enough. Nurture it, and fight to make it grow until the shadows retreat. Even the greatest beacons may be lit with the smallest spark.
Should you refuse to show compassion because you believe it would make you appear weak, then you have misunderstood what strength is. It is honorable to have concern for others, to show empathy and to offer aid to someone in distress. To rebuke this is cowardice, not strength.
There is no honor in making others struggle solely because you did. Persevering through difficulty is worth celebrating, but is often worth even more if you can lessen the burden for those who come after you, especially those less fortunate, less privileged. That way lies glory.
You may find yourself in the company of those who act dishonorably, who bully or use words of hate and bigotry. A true warrior speaks out against this, seeks to correct it, but does not maintain such company. If you can't change those around you, change those around you.
Like a wound, grief does not heal overnight. As the days pass, let the empty space fill with memories, let the sorrow be replaced with gratitude for the good times, the kind words, and most of all, the part of them that made you who you are.
Recall a time when someone came to your aid, stood up for you, showed you an unexpected kindness. Hold on to those memories, for they are dear. Strive every day to make someone else feel the way you did in that moment.
// For those who missed the finale, or just want to relive the weird and wonderful ride, here's the Recap video for Matthew McConaughey Recites Pi to the Millionth Digit. Thanks to everyone who came along for the ride!
Matthew McConaughey Recites Pi to a Million Digits - STREAM Hi everyone. Our stream was a massive success, thanks to all of you who were there to participate and support. It was truly awesome to experience it with you...
Reposted byAvatar Coach Gowron