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Big nerd make stuff. they/any 30’s. 🏳️‍⚧️
pfp: UncommonCritter
Reposted byAvatar Coda
Oh my god YouTube, if I want to see breaking news I look at the news app, not the kittens and music videos app
I’m not sure if they have gif uploading yet. They have the like gif service you can pick gifs from but I’m not sure uploaded ones work yet.
Reposted byAvatar Coda
It's been a while since the last time I drew Adina 🦦
Reposted byAvatar Coda
Another week, another opportunity to figure out ways to not let food insecurity get to me til the next couple of weeks. If you're able to and would like to, you can help me out by donating to your fave red cow at #helpsky #mutualaid 💸💞
Support Kandy on Ko-fi! ❤️. Support Kandy On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations
Reposted byAvatar Coda
timeline cleanse
Reposted byAvatar Coda
This picture is rapidly curing every single thing that is wrong with me
Reposted byAvatar Coda
My air conditioner has broken during an extreme heat warning, which is not ideal! If you'd like to help me out AND get some great art, I'm running a sale on my shop right now with code "HEAT" (25% off your order!) The discount applies to mini commissions, prints, and originals!
Functional programming is a mindfuck sometimes
Reposted byAvatar Coda
Important not to forget with all that is going on: Republicans will likely try to end almost abortion access in the US if the elections go their way this fall. Those are the stakes, period. []
Don’t Be Fooled By the Gauzy Coverage of the GOP’s “New” Abortion Reactions from conservative advocates reveal that this platform is just as harsh as it has been in the past.
This whole thing felt like a fairly mundane discourse topic initially. Everybody involved logging off seemed like a good thing for the mental health of everyone involved. It becoming this huge thing seems entirely oriented around the reactionary discourse that’s come after
Reposted byAvatar Coda
Oh yeah, that makes sense. The kind of stuff that burns up before it reaches earth because we have an atmosphere
Reposted byAvatar Coda
IDK who the first person to express this sentiment was, but: "When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
Reposted byAvatar Coda
A lot of people on this site have zero idea what intersectionality is and it shows. You aren’t being progressive when you stack rank various kinds of oppression like you’re making a fucking tier list of marginalized identities, people.
Certainly. It doesn’t feel great! I just am not getting from it any indication that he somehow likes or wants to defend Trump. At best it’s CYA’ing
Okay that’s a really funny concept lol
Reposted byAvatar Coda
My friend Clippy likes to make his dragon big on occasion. I may have taken it to absurd levels.
Reposted byAvatar Coda
it's my absolute favorite holiday of the year when the entire U.S. news industry turns itself into a giant blogspam affiliate for a single massive billionaire-owned retailer with absolutely nobody in any position of editorial authority thinking that's in any way unethical or gross
And every single time there is much theorizing over what it means or what’s really in play or whatever when it is literally like. 3-10 people having a garden variety internet argument and dozens or hundreds more rubbernecking over it
I’ve yet to experience someone being “run off of” a website that wasn’t “being mildly criticized by few enough people to comfortably fit in a room together” i will just say
Oftentimes every primary party involved deletes their account and then there’s tertiary discourse that goes on for months about who really ran who off the internet. It’s so stupid.
I don’t even know who that is tbh
I’ve yet to experience someone being “run off of” a website that wasn’t “being mildly criticized by few enough people to comfortably fit in a room together” i will just say
Like on here or Twitter or cohost or tumblr or whatever
That is the only thing i could think of, but id assume we already engineer our equipment to mitigate that?
Every time i go to Columbus i think “this place feels like Big Ann Arbor”
Reposted byAvatar Coda
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
On some level i kind of understand the position he’s in; i wouldn’t be surprised if he lowkey agreed with sentiment but can’t risk the optics? Not to say we shouldn’t be disappointed
Like i am not really taking this as indication of anything about his personal beliefs at all, this feels li damage control