
I choose to believe that those 22% were all just being pedantic about the definition of the word “shell” and whether a cell membrane constitutes a shell. Because the alternative is just too disquieting.
"in a poll in August 2020 whether it was true that “most women get their period on the first of the month,” 75 percent got the right answer — false — but a notable 21 percent said they were “not sure.”" It's definitely not 22% being pedantic.
To analyze it beyond a joke (either how dumb those dudes are or how I don’t want to live in a world where that number of people think that) we’d need to look at the actual surveys the article is referring to and I’m having trouble finding either.
The quote is coming from the co-founder of a research company (PerryUndem, they're quoting Tresa Undem), so I'm willing to take them at their word that the question was worded as quoted with those results. You'd need a margin of error of 20% to have those results not be concerning.