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I'm just here for the squee. Avid Critter.
It makes no sense that one person falling out of the sky with a dragon would survive, and another person does not. #HouseOfTheDragon #HotD
Whoever on the SDCC programming committee decided to put a Star Trek x Doctor Who panel featuring the showrunners in 6A does not understand the power of these franchises, especially with announced swag giveaways!
The first episode of Downfall was amazing. If we finally learn the name of the Raven Queen, I will burst with excitement. #CriticalRoleSpoilers
I'm super excited that Silo will be at SDCC--my favorite show of 2023! Fingers crossed they are in Ballroom 20 before or after Critical Role for a perfect line-up. 😃
Reposted byAvatar coffeejunkii
In comics shops today! Did Book 1 leave you thinking "I NEED to know how this ends?" Good news: now you can find out. The second half of this critically acclaimed, instant-kindle-bestselling fantasy series starts this week.
One of the best books going in comics right now starts its second series today. Go down and support a friendly local business and pick it up! Another banger from and
This is exactly how I feel about the heat, too.
Trying to get reservations for SDCC offsites while being half-awake and having to retype my own name three times is not ideal, but I did manage to get one for a new Peacock show I haven't heard about. Ahhhh, Comic-Con season.
It's nice to have confirmation that Critical Role will be back at SDCC this year! See you in Ballroom 20, fellow Critters!! 🥳
Today is the last and hottest day of our six-day heat wave (high of 105). Though the "end" is a misnomer because we're heading back to the 90s after a one-day break on Thursday. Anything approaching or above 90 is still Too Hot.
That would be 102 degrees. I was typing without my glasses! 😂
I have escaped to the tea shop with the lovely patio in the shade. It's warm, but still nice out (thanks, dry heat!). High of 192 later.
I have escaped to the tea shop with the lovely patio in the shade. It's warm, but still nice out (thanks, dry heat!). High of 192 later.
Not thrilled that it's 86 degrees at 10:30pm. 😩
It's so hot in PDX that Trimet suspended the streetcar service due to too many heat-related outages. 😮
I love how Worlds Beyond Number gets better with every episode. It is such an expansive, intricate story. Like uncovering a legend that was lost to time.
Sadly the CSA box was disappointing again. The one cucumber was the type with a waxy, rough skin, and the tomatoes were 4 half+ripe Romas (their also sell cherry and heirloom). I left the gigantic onion behind because I still have onions from the last box.
Second CSA box: still kale (WHY), but also basil, strawberries, tomatoes, salad mix, tomatoes, and zucchini! YES.
Took advantage of the cool morning (I wore a hoodie+long pants!) to do a big grocery shopping run. I don't plan to leave the house aside for my CSA pick-up and some early morning walks once the heat settles in (the forecast for the next 6 days is 90+ each day, with 100 on the weekend).
The forecast for the weekend now says 102 both days. 😭 I put up some linen curtains to aid with blocking the afternoon sun in my living room (I also have blinds). Tomorrow I'll install the A/C and get out my box fan. Usually A/C + box fan + ceiling fan do a pretty good job of managing the heat.
I know that the first July weekend is usually when summer heat kicks in, but do we have to start off with a high of 99 next Friday? 😭
It's my off-week for the CSA, but I still get the newsletter. Again a terrible selection this week: celery (WTF!), green onions + kale (again??), escarole, salad greens, padron peppers, micro basil (the only good thing). Still absent: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli, basil, cilantro.
Two out of three are up! For the third one, I need someone to stand back and tell me when the frame is level (it's pretty big, so I can't easily eyeball it). Progress! This is one of the prints, btw (though I got this one at a local craft fair, not at SDCC):
Today's academic summer update: framed two prints I bought at SDCC last year. The frames sat unopened in the box since last August. I may even get them up on the walls today!
Red Rock "Red Rock" by Lizzy Dalton. This print is a reproduction of my original painting, which was created in 2021 using acrylic on paper, featuring a sunrise scene of Red Rock Canyon, a popular rock climbin...
Today's academic summer update: framed two prints I bought at SDCC last year. The frames sat unopened in the box since last August. I may even get them up on the walls today!
My SDCC badge came in the mail today! I wish they still did the awesome boxes with pins.
I tackled the fava beans from my CSA box tonight, and...that was so much effort for so little pay-off: you have to shell, blanch, and then peel them to even start using them. The CSA newsletter suggested pureeing them w/ lemon juice+salt, which was...ok? I still wouldn't buy them.
Funko "Pop Yourself" booth at SDCC as a walk-up without a reservation system? That's just asking for trouble.
This was such a good Fireside Chat! I love that we got so much insight into the production logistics of #CriticalRole and Marisha's job as Creative Director. These streams and the Cooldowns make the Beacon subscription more than worth it.
I'm doing a CSA share this summer, and the first box is such a disappointment. It has fava beans (so gross), scallions, hot peppers, and then...chard and kale! Which I ate all winter, so they're the last thing I want to eat now. What about some cucumbers, or some other summer veggie? 😭