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I like food and art and music and science and nonsense
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
Also, if trolls are trying to pit different marginalized groups against each other on this platform, let’s work together to root those fuckers out. I have to believe that at the end of the day we all chose to use this app because we want better for ourselves and each other.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
I'm busy today, so here's my 2000+ word response to everything that happened on this anti-Black platform yesterday. You can read it, or not.
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
The Biden rent control plan should probably just be viewed as a conversation starter at best. In a vacuum it would only serve to tighten the rental market. It would need to be part of a much more comprehensive reform package And also would require a Democratic Congress that can actually pass bills
I don't think my posts get seen by many, but if you do see this take a second to do something good
Please sign the petition demanding his execution be revoked. The DNA evidence exonerated Marcellus Williams but the Missouri Supreme Court does not care.
BREAKING update in Marcellus Williams
Say what you will about Threads, I'm seeing a lot more people over there posting video clips of Richard Simmons being an absolute light-bearing goofball in this trying time
"Unprecedented!" You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
Feel I'd be remiss not pointing out after endless coverage favorable to their candidate in a naked attempt to swing the election, the first people Trump's supporters turned on in the moment was the press in attendance Leopards, faces, etc
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
Making a difference in the world will necessarily make certain people pissed off or uncomfortable and unfortunately a lot of people have taken that to mean “pissing people off or making them uncomfortable is ipso facto making a difference”
I can't believe the Phil Plait Don't Be a Dick talk was 14 years ago and here we are still running around being dicks I know he's on here but I don't feel it's my place to be the one to decide if he has to be dragged into The Discourse by @'ing him directly
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
Want to know how the universe is like an inside-out star? Episode 2 of #Cosmology101 is out now! 🔭🧪🎢
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Explained | Cosmology 101 Episode In this episode of Cosmology 101, we journey through time by exploring the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the faint glow from the Big Bang. The CMB shows us the universe as it was 13.8 billion years ago, revealing secrets about its origins and composition. Discover how this ancient light provides insights into the early universe and helps us understand the cosmos we see today. Join Katie Mack, Perimeter Institute’s Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication, on an incredible journey through the cosmos in our new series, Cosmology 101. Sign up for our newsletter and download exclusive cosmology posters at: Follow the edge of theoretical physics on our social media: Follow our host "AstroKatie" Katie Mack: Perimeter Institute (charitable registration number 88981 4323 RR0001) is the world’s largest independent research hub devoted to theoretical physics, created to foster breakthroughs in the fundamental understanding of our universe, from the smallest particles to the entire cosmos. Be part of the equation:
By no means a definitive sampling, but it is noteworthy to me the people driving the Biden Out narrative are those whose balance sheets are being affected by his policies and those saying he should stay are the ones whose votes we need to win
‘He Should Stay In’: Swing Voter Tells CNN Biden Presser Changed Her Mind — Most In Focus Group A swing voter in a CNN focus group said President Joe Biden's press conference changed her mind and "He should stay in" — a sentiment most of the group shared.
Sometimes I think a lot about that study a few years back which showed being presented evidence which conflicts with their beliefs just causes people to double down on their beliefs
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
Democrats who expect a flub-free press conference from Biden have either never watched the man speak or have zero understanding of speech impediments.
People are holding Biden to a standard that he has never met in his entire life due to a speech impediment and is wholly unrelated to senility.
I'm a fan of this new trend of saying the whole alpha/beta/sigma thing is just men admitting gender is a social construct and a spectrum
One of the best books going in comics right now starts its second series today. Go down and support a friendly local business and pick it up! Another banger from and
James Inhoffe is going to have a harder time disproving global warming where he's going
I can't help but ponder Biden has done a lot to stymie the unmitigated hoarding and exploitation by the wealthy elite throughout his term and this "he must be replaced" narrative is exactly what they'd want his own party to be shouting from the rooftops Feels like playing their hand for them
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
France dropkicked a baldly fascist political coalition out of office, imo if we can’t manage to do the same we should give back the Statue of Liberty
Today my nephew told my sister he hopes he's like me when he grows up and loves reading *adjusts favorites list*
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
To begin with, every supposed "centrist" who's yammering for this at the NYT and everywhere else will immediately sandbag any D who might succeed Biden while leaving Trump alone and unscathed.
lemme be clear here if the dem nominee is a ham sandwich, i'm getting ham sandwich stickers and writing gotv postcards and helping cure ballots for ham sandwich 2024. but anyone who thinks biden dropping off the ticket will not be met with weird gop ratfucking chaos just fell off a turnip truck.
They're saying more and more of the quiet parts out loud and our greatest concern is Biden maybe being too old
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
This is the explicit goal of an astonishing amount of paid (and paid for!) propaganda out there. If you're feeling voting doesn't matter, maybe consider why it is so many people are spending so much money, time, effort and ad space trying to convince you not to.
“If a [political] party knows you’re not going to vote for them, the best thing they can do is convince you not to vote at all." — Stage_Door_Johnny (on instagram)
NYT has been a clown show for years, WaPo is heading there. I know this is a corporate problem and there are individuals still interested in doing real journalism but I don't know where they are anymore Can somebody point me in the right direction?
Reposted byAvatar Jeff
Remember, today is a FREE sampler at comics stores for X-MEN: FROM THE ASHES. It's available digitally on Marvel Unlimited, too! Don't forget to pick up your copy, mutant-lovers!
Laura Jane Grace at the Tiny Desk hell yeah It feels correct and also no way that's correct I was playing Reinventing Axl Rose too loud in my Grace St apartment over 20 years ago
Laura Jane Grace & the Mississippi Medicals: Tiny Desk The artist crams more than two decades of music, from solo material to Against Me! cuts, into her performance.
Seems messed up I have to work on the day before a four day weekend starts
Is this where the cool kids hang out? Been living on Mastodon but dipping my toe in other waters. Threads is a trash fire