Pääoma ja Uusi Talous - - #p2p #uusitalous #jakamistalous #lahjatalous #bitcoin #vaihtoehtovaluutat #commons #yhteisvauraus #commonsfi #solidaarisuustalous

#neweconomy #commons #gifteconomy #moneyless #solidarityeconomy
GCHQ/NSA/CSS Bunny Target Exploitation Project
GCHQ/NSA/CSS Bunny Target Exploitation Project
🏴 Post-postmodern, postleftist bunny project. אנטי ציוני 🏴

posts EN/FI. anarchy, insurrection, COINTELPRO, disinfo, bunnies. no pronouns
Agi Dubi
Agi Dubi
haliskosova ✅
haliskosova ✅
Youtube: Halis Kosova Tv

Tiktok: haliskosova

İnstagram: kosova.halis
Erik Nordman
Erik Nordman
Consultant in climate resilience, environmental econ & policy • Author: The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom • Speaker • Fulbrighter (Kenya)
Competition Law PhD Candidate @ UCL
Break 'em up!
A Simple Life
A Simple Life
We are a homesteading family in rural Costa Rica. We have six kids and enjoy a very simple life We grow food, eat well, and enjoy life.
R.U. Sirius
R.U. Sirius
Writer, Editor, Musician/Lyricist, Big DADA You remember MONDO 2000 so do I better still
Baki Kantaşı
Baki Kantaşı
Operations & supply chains, molecular bio & econ background. Ideas on retail, FMCG, bio, econ, finance. I don't suffer fraudsters lightly.
Ben Bellows
Ben Bellows
Cofounder & Chief Business Officer, Nivi Inc.

Peace Corps gave me confidence to listen while still learning the language. CDC showed me public servants' commitment. UC Berkeley taught me to integrate classroom & community. Pop Council trusted me to lead.
Michael Drew
Michael Drew
Muireall Prase
Muireall Prase
Heather Souvaine Horn
Heather Souvaine Horn
Editing climate & environment things.
Mitch Schwartz
Mitch Schwartz
Ops Machine
Matt Civico
Matt Civico
The Internet was a mistake.
Southern WV.

Day job: software engineering and machine learning.

Otherwise: farming, fiddlin’, and outdoor pursuits.
Localism / Low energy living / Reading / Bookshelf enthusiast / Gardening / Beekeeping / Legacy football fan
Mike Janssen
Mike Janssen
I am an editor for a trade publication about public media. I play banjo and like to make food and cocktails. Husband and dad. W-A-S-H-I-N-G, T-O-N baby, D-C
You can't imagine what you are missing when you are missing your imagination.
Telescope that can point itself and think about what it sees.
James Tiberius Stone
James Tiberius Stone
Not a Centrist, just a clumsy diplomat.

Bio, cultural, personal evolution, philosophy, psychology, communication, reasoning.
Brad Aimone
Brad Aimone
Computational neuroscientist-in-exile; computational neuromorphic computing; putting neurons in HPC since 2011; dreaming of a day when AI will actually be brain-like.
eco mindful
eco mindful
eco mindful Earthling 🌏

“Humans are not the measure of all things.”
― Carl Safina, Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel
Isak Falk
Isak Falk
Appearances dance in the light of awareness, nauseating, yet so captivating.
Geoff Graham
Geoff Graham
Curtis Klope
Curtis Klope
Nothing makes me happier than to be early enough on a new app that my name is still available. Couldn't get Curtis, but that's just greedy.
ariel quixote
ariel quixote
🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦🇵🇸☮️🌏 finding active-hope with thoughts and deeds. born at 353 ppm

🍱🍔🍜🍟I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear;
Those of mechanics—each one singing his, as it should be, blithe and strong🍕🌭🧀🥩🍣🥡
Gabrielle Klein-Mejia
Gabrielle Klein-Mejia
Mom, word nerd, ADHD, she/her. These are a few of my favorite things: curiosity, creativity, nourishment, beauty, and humor.
dj samsara bitches
dj samsara bitches
Fresh air feels nice

dolltwitter we had good times.

Fuck it we ball.

Until never
fera silvae
fera silvae
forest gardens, folk tales, and collaborative futures
Kathryn Rose
Kathryn Rose
composer, gardener, hedge-botherer, neurodivergent, chaser after the wind, has a profile that's just a bunch of adjectives separated by commas, she/they
Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!
Thilo Gross
Thilo Gross
Simplifier of things. bridgewalker. Island-person. Nets and Complexity. Prof of Biodiversity Theory. Former Prof. of Computer Science, Reader in Eng. Maths. Once a Physicist. Interested in art and language and generally making the world a better place.
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Interested in spirituality, self-transcendence & human flourishing. Yoga, meditation, breathwork, psychedelics, neuroscience & neurotech.

Passionate about great music and visionary art. Nature lover.

Director & Advisor @wavepaths. Father & husband.
David Nadasi
David Nadasi
Dieu existe, elle chante et joue de la musique.

DJ, animateur et organisateur de danses extatiques.

sacré, danse, musique, design, intelligence collective, écologie, politique, open source
L’Ancien Vagine
L’Ancien Vagine
clowncore whore. classical luddite. they/them may/hem. fully autonomous liberatory queer communism now.

I can boop my own snoot thank you.
The Art of Living for Students of Life • synthesizes lifelong learning that catalyzes deeper development •
Daniel Cantwell
Daniel Cantwell
Registered architect.
Municipal musings, mainly.
Maria L
Maria L
What is it to live in right relationship?

Ecology, climate change, earth systems, biophilia, well-being, good governance & solarpunk.

ecopoë | 𝘰𝘪̈𝘬𝘰𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘦̄𝘴𝘪𝘴 = homemaking 𓁖

Giving social media another chance.
Slartibartfast and Furious
Slartibartfast and Furious
Neurodivergent dad raising 7 adorkable kids. Long COVID and climate realist, eco-anarchist, gardener, writer, podcaster, musician. "Hope is a discipline." -Mariame Kaba @paulrpotts on the Xitter