Kathryn Rose

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Kathryn Rose


composer, gardener, hedge-botherer, neurodivergent, chaser after the wind, has a profile that's just a bunch of adjectives separated by commas, she/they
Also I accidentally harvested 3kg of beetroot, send help. (It will be fine, I love beetroot.) I think I am going to spend tomorrow processing various produce. I still have a few kg of plums to deal with, as well as so many spuds, the beets, and plenty of gherkins too.
Many many potatoes. Gardening is good.
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I have a couple of sopranos and an alto/tenor (me, but I can only sing one of those at a time). It would be good to have more voice parts.
Reposted byAvatar Kathryn Rose
The idea will be: A group of people, in a vicarage or maybe a church hall, singing some Renaissance polyphony or other chamber choral music. No performances, and no gatherings during Advent and Lent when church is already very busy.
Reposted byAvatar Kathryn Rose
OK let's do this. If you are in London and you are a choral singer but so busy with your other church duties (e.g. being a priest) that you don't ever really get your singing fix, and you would like to change that, let me know. We'll call it the Vicars' Chorale.
OK let's do this. If you are in London and you are a choral singer but so busy with your other church duties (e.g. being a priest) that you don't ever really get your singing fix, and you would like to change that, let me know. We'll call it the Vicars' Chorale.
Allotment proving very tasty this year. On Wednesday I brought home half a pound of assorted berries. Yesterday I was at church all day. Today I brought home... half a pound of assorted berries. They'll slow down soon but then there will be plums.
A City Farm near me has been closed for like two years and I am so so so so tempted to try and take it on and grow vegetables. This is a terrible idea, I can barely manage the land I already have responsibility for and I don't want to give any of it up. And yet...
Sowed eight different varieties of runner beans today, and transplanted some peppers into the greenhouse. Also spent a bunch of time re-attaching various bits of netting to covers.
Vain the stone, the watch, the seal
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Several years ago I did a "musical hat draw" where I asked people to submit texts on a theme. I then worked on new drafts from those texts for a short period of intense work; details at artsyhonker.net/musical-hat-... I am thinking of doing similar. I haven't yet settled on a theme... Suggestions?
"Please list your full employment history and explain any breaks in employment and how this time was spent." I am applying for a 7h/week administrative assistant job. This seems like overkill.
Reposted byAvatar Kathryn Rose
twitter's business model was simple: 1. celebrities show their entire arses 2. normal people hurl rotten tomatoes at them 3. show ads to group 2. it is not clear that a single person at twitter understood this
I have the very prettiest new bicycle!
Reposted byAvatar Kathryn Rose
has anyone ever written about the via media and the overton window
Today: allotment! Mostly compost-oriented. Planning to pick up some street leaves, and the coffee grounds guy is going to bring an entire vanload of coffee this afternoon. Not much in the way of woodchips about so I don't think we'll be building a new heap today.
Cycled the last of the winter squash home from the allotment today. Nine of them. 29.956kg. We already had many winter squashes in the kitchen. Now we have even more. We will be consuming a squash-based diet for the forseeable future.
Today: job application. Allotment, to retrieve remaining squashes before they freeze.
Image text, abridged: image text, abridged: Have you in the last few years been involved in knitting for a Christian church or organisation? Are you aged over 18 years? Would you be willing to participate in research on why you knitted and what it meant to your faith and spirituality?
I'm loving interviewing people who knit for Christian organisations about what knitting means for their faith and spirituality. It's fascinating the connections that are made with memories, generations and experiences.
Behold! My first ever harvest of sweet potatoes. Yield is a little lower than I had hoped, but on the other hand I literally put rooted cuttings into big pots of dirt and then ignored them most of the summer and autumn, so I suppose I shouldn't complain too much.
Back from retreat. Glad of the time away; equally glad that tonight I will once again be in my own bed. This month I need to get back into composing, and engaging online with composing-related stuff.
Off on retreat later today, will probably be here even less than usual. Might even turn my phone off for the duration.
New mask! I am super hopeful that it will be helpful when I want to breathe filtered air and also talk with people who lipread. Just got it so I'll have to see how I get on but so far, at least, it's comfortable and I am still audible (which was a problem with the last clear mask I tried.)
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You know there are more options open to us than just reproducing our current 'way of life' with less greenhouse gas emissions right? High time to first imagine and then demand systems that give us lives of sufficiency and joy without harm to others, human and non-human.
I do not know why there is a jackhammer in operation just up the road this late on a Sunday, but I hope there is a good reason.
Tomorrow: batch cooking, and some pressure canning, to make space in the freezer for the apples...
No, *you* cycled through a few parks on the way home from church and ended up gathering haws, medlars, whitty pears, blackening polypore and Dryad's saddle. I didn't even look at the sloes, either. (Though it appears my favourite patch has been very heavily pruned; we'll see.)
Updated my produce tally again. 197kg homegrown, 43kg foraged, since 25th March. The "homegrown" is on a tenth of an acre, if anyone is wondering if intensive horticulture can actually produce decent quantities of food. There are still harvests to come, and things I haven't measured yet.