
Last night I went to the Little Theatre at Epidaurus for the two monologues in the Contemporary Ancients cycle (living writers’ takes on ancient plays) and was horrified to see the treatment of one of the playwrights, a wheelchair-user. #AthensEpidaurusFestival #ContemporaryAncients
The entire creative team took a prolonged curtain call, EXCLUDING the writer. Not only was the stage inaccessible to him, not a bow in his direction, not a spotlight on him, not so much as a calling of his name and a clap. WTH?!? #EpidaurusFestival #AthensEpidaurusFestival #disability #access
So: in the 21st Century, a playwright with physical disabilities was sidelined from the premiere *of his own play* by a well-funded international festival because they *hadn’t considered his access needs*. Disgraceful! #Epidaurus #theatre #access #disability #Greece