CSW Online

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CSW Online


The National Community Speedwatch Organisation joins-up, shares, and maximises the effective use of speeding offence data recorded by CSW groups across the UK.

As a national organisation, we work to guarantee that all police forces, groups, and volunteers follow the same rules, standards, procedures, methodologies, and outcomes.https://web2.communityspeedwatch.org/FRONT-v2-National_Unity.php?m=10
#DidYouKnow : Modern policing rests upon Robert Peel's principles that the police are the public, and the public are the police.https://communityspeedwatch.org/FRONT-v2-Philosophy.php?m=30
Using behavioural insight, CSW Online can automate letter content to address the speeding driver's assumed life circumstance, e.g. school run, delivery driver, passengers, gender, etc. Combine it with weather, age, weight and value of vehicle, etc., data tells a life story.
Speedwatch advisory letters do not exclude the possibility of direct Police intervention if the first message is not fully understood.
Opinion: On road safety, time for more governments to race ahead Road crashes kill millions annually, but they're preventable — stronger laws and safer designs are urgently needed worldwide.
Different local approaches to Speedwatch will never make it effective. We can only address the problem of speeding efficiently by joining up all schemes nationwide, operating to the same standards and procedures. Let's take it to the next level together.
Reposted byAvatar CSW Online
"Last year the Government unveiled plans to reduce the speed limits on many roads, including dropping the limit on local roads from 80km/h to 60km/h. The plan will also see speed capped at 80km/h on national secondary roads where the limit currently stands at 100km/h."
It will be far easier to persuade people to drive at safer speeds if they understand and accept that driving too fast significantly increases the chances of being involved in a collision, and significantly increases the chances of that collision being serious or fatal.
Did you know? London has the lowest proportion of speed-related casualties (nine per cent) of all regions and the lowest proportion of speed-related collisions (eight per cent).
One national organisation, one set of rules, one consistent methodology dealing with speeding drivers. We want to display the national logo posters in every Speedwatch area telling drivers that if they drive too fast, they will never know if, when, or where they will be recorded.
Friendly but concerned communities standing up to road bullying and driver ignorance is a powerful message that works!
#SimpleFacts : The faster the speed traveled will greatly increases the severity of a collision when it happens.
Speedwatch can only work effectively if all datasets are of equally high standard and collated nationally. Apart from offence severity, frequency and place, personalised letter content must be created from observation of driver demographic, purpose of drive, number of passengers.
A lot of people think they are better than average drivers and therefore safely can drive above the speed limit. Good drivers, however, understand the dangers and do not speed. Drivers who have been observed speeding, can no longer consider themselves belonging to this category.
More than 90% of drivers speeding can still be educated. Less than 10% show signs of antisocial behaviour. They are easily identified and targeted for enforcement.
Groups organised on CSW Online w/Police support have direct lines of communication, and up-to-the-minute stats and feedback on case status.
A personal educational approach is vital to change attitudes towards speeding. The devastating impact on the driver's own life needs understanding before a collision happens. CSW Online produces assumed journey profiling at the point-of-offending to personalise messages.
Speedwatch activity is not about interfering with neighbours' behaviour; it is about making everyone feel safe when using the road.
The average cost of a fatal collision in the UK is £2,000,000. The number of fatal collisions hovers just short of 1800 for the sixth year running. The killer is the vehicle’ speed combined with arrogance, stupidity, and ineptness. Not distraction, surprise, or anything else.
Did you know: WHO and Transport Research Lab figures show that just a 1mph reduction in average speed results in a 5% drop in killed and seriously injured?
Joined up Police and Community Speedwatch efforts easily identify Speeders who offend across multiple counties.
Most drivers probably think that they are in control when speeding. It is too late when they realise that they are not.
#PeopleWhoSpeed thinking that the majority of drivers ignore speed limits are wrong. Speeders are a minority; their behaviour is antisocial, and they need to be educated and stopped before they become killers too. Support Speedwatch, support CSW Online www.communityspeedwatch.org
Educating most of the offenders by “nudging” them towards a greater understanding of the potential consequences of their speeding must always be the primary objective of CSW.
Statistics derived from CSW Online data show that the educational approach to changing driver behaviour works. We believe intelligent, focused enforcement should be reserved for excessive/repeat offenders based on our precise intelligence of where and when these drivers speed.