
I had a really weird experience this morning. I woke up at 7:15 because my bladder hates me, and then went to take the Assortment of Medications. Glucose test, 15 units of injected insulin, then my estradiol pills, and then all the rest of my pills at once.
Metformin, cymbalta, spironolactone, lisinopril, and adderall. Just slam those down once the estrodiol dissolves in my mouth. This is all normal. What was weird came next.
I've lived for decades with a thing where I feel depersonalization until maybe a half-hour after I wake up. There's this essential unreality to me. It's like my brain is waking up in stages and it takes half an hour for the "shit, there's a world out there" part to slide in and connect me.
Today, about ten minutes later, it was more of a SLAM of "HELLO WORLD!", and then I was THERE. The world was real and I was a part of it in a way that usually is more gradual. Maybe it's just that the Adderall gave me an attention span, or a synergistic effect, but damn.
I proceeded to put the bags I used for groceries yesterday away, sweep the wood floor, transfer the recycling into a box to take outside, and do half the dishes. After *ahem* years without, having focus is somewhat alarming.