
Like this is extortion and it also belies any kind of serious concern about Trump, but if it’s representative of a growing trend, is it survivable?
It’s survivable; Biden just can’t blink, and he shows no signs of it.
It's survivable in the sense that if he just flat-out refuses no matter how bad it gets, there's no way to force him out.
Right, but the thing about this sort of frenzy is that once it becomes clear there’s no scalp to be had the story moves on. The underlying merits of his oldness *might* be a reason to step aside, but “I’m scared of bad press coverage” is not.
I'm not sure about that, I don't think there's any just riding it out here and it eventually goes away. It won't necessarily stay the feeding frenzy top story for months, but it's never going back to pre-debate levels. Though I agree the negative media coverage itself shouldn't be dispositive.
IMO the merits in favor of Biden stepping aside have to be *really strong* to do it in part b/c I’m pretty sure it will be an electoral liability to do that.
Yeah. For me it basically comes down to, has he in fact seen his capacity decline lately such that the guy we saw in the debate is just who he is now? Because if so then it'll continue to be an open wound in the campaign
To me on merits it appears: from other public appearances, it was a bad performance but not “this is just who he is now.” I don’t see the wisdom in trading the relatively known set of electoral vulnerabilities for a somewhat unknown set.
And also introducing a giant known new one, namely that you held a party primary and then just discarded the result.
Well it would absolutely positively have to be a quick coalescing around Harris, I think, for all those reasons I agree it's not something to be undertaken lightly!
"He's not always like that" or "that was just him at his worst" are likely true but not very reassuring.
Tbh the stuff you hear that his people are saying ostensibly in defense of him is probably the single most alarming thing, for me?
Right. Like if immediately next day or two he did a live, lengthy unscripted town hall with voters and knocked it out of the park, you maybe could have at least staunched the bleeding. Instead everything they've done and said has only made it worse and tended to confirm the worst fears.
Sure! But this all then becomes an exercise in priors, right? If you were inclined to think he’s good, it was a bad night. If you’re inclined to think he’s not, no amount of good appearances shed enough caveats to convince you he’s good.
And I think the freakout is largely because people did have concerns about this before the debate, and the debate didn't do anything to contradict those fears
I wouldn't go so far to say I was previously a fan, he's not my cup of tea on a ton of normal politics policy stuff, but I went from being convinced he clearly had the best chance to... not thinking that anymore.
I don’t even mean “he’s good” in terms of “is a fan,” more in terms of “thinks he’s up to the job.”
Gotcha. But basically same for me. I thought he was and now I don't, so to your point, not just sticking with my priors.
At this point I'm inclined towards the electoral implications of it have flipped, that it is actually the better move to beat Trump now, and I'd have thought that crazy talk before. But in part that's because the debate really was that bad on the merits, in principle, of if he's still up to the job.
Maybe. It was def a bad debate. But we don’t get to have him resign and all our problems are solved; we would have a massive new problem of “we held a party primary and ignored the outcome.”
And like, you can do that, but you have to have a damn good reason that’s better than “the press coverage is too hard” and more like “doctors tell me I’m going to die soon.”
I don't think it has to be as far as "die soon" or a specific diagnosis as opposed to "I'm just not up to it anymore, I've taken a turn" etc. But I don't see setting aside the primary result as a huge problem. Everyone knew Harris is his VP and would be his running mate again. You're up, Veep.
Part of my calculus here is I think we've seen good signs, quickly coalescing, that the party wouldn't actually be thrown into divisive chaos or some bloody contest and would immediately rally behind Harris more effectively than the actual chaos and rebellion happening right now.
the press has pumped age as an issue, so the DNC can ride that against trump