Andy Craig

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Andy Craig

Mostly politics and occasional pugs.
There are good reasons to increase the size of the House. It would make it easier to do multi-member districts w/ PR (fewer one or two seat states) and that's the best electoral reform. But making the current single-member districts a bit smaller, e.g. 600k instead of 800k, doesn't really do much.
Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
Never change, Britain. Well, actually change quite a lot. But not this part.
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Compact was a joint project of some “anti-woke” socialists and some “anti-woke” nationalists and so it comes as quite a surprise to learn that one of their senior editors has been exposed as a National Socialist.
no part of this is not absolutely hilarious
Favorite new PM story: Tony Blair took the 'kissing hands' part literally, not knowing you're just supposed to kind of do the gesture without actually touching. So he planted a big sloppy wet one on the royal fingers and Liz was disgusted by it.
Reposted byAvatar Andy Craig
The Tories could still win if King Charles has courage.
Thanks to the general lack of situational awareness, the pugs are completely unperturbed by the fireworks and much more interested in the hamburgers.
From what I can glean, Bolsonaro being charged with "criminal association" is basically the Brazilian version of saying he did the RICO.
On this day in 1850, the president of the United States ate himself to death.
If NYT wanted somebody to make the normative argument against voting, I strongly disagree with that it in all its forms, but there are absolutely some people out there who make the argument in sincere good faith and at the very least aren't lying about if they vote themselves.
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Good thing they didn’t build the original wording into the illustration.
Fun thing about the British system: getting a supermajority landslide makes effectively no difference, the government's in charge all the same so long as they have a firm working majority. So it becomes just a question of how rub-their-faces-in-it embarrassed the rejected loser party will be.
This must be the highest ratio of Lib Dem seats to Conservative seats in a while, maybe ever? They're at almost half as many: 61 vs. 131, per exit poll.
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"Independence from Britain" is the world's most celebrated holiday.
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
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Very proud that the New York Times is publishing my op-ed tomorrow “Why I Don’t Eat Burritos Or Indulge In Sarcasm And You Shouldn’t Either”
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It is always a good time to read or reread Frederick Douglass's "What, To the Slave, Is the Fourth of July?" It is pure fire. One of the greatest speeches in American oratory. More and more people are appreciating Douglass!
Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
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You're welcome, Britain!
As our former overlords go to the polls today, a fun fact: the first time a UK government fell on a vote of no confidence was when Parliament voted to end the war with America, causing Lord North and the Cabinet to resign. It was an important milestone for British democracy, ironically enough.
As our former overlords go to the polls today, a fun fact: the first time a UK government fell on a vote of no confidence was when Parliament voted to end the war with America, causing Lord North and the Cabinet to resign. It was an important milestone for British democracy, ironically enough.
Reposted byAvatar Andy Craig
I know fact-checking and corrections for opinion pieces are a lot looser, for understandable reasons. But if you run an op-ed with a guy saying "I do not do this thing" and in fact, easily available public records show he is caught-red-handed lying about that, that's as open and shut as it gets.
Reposted byAvatar Andy Craig
Thanks for this. So much FUD about "Biden can't be replaced in Wisconsin," etc. Nice simple rebuttal here: "No state requires a qualified party to certify its nominees for national office earlier than August 21."
If you want the straight scoop on this from the nation's #1 unquestioned, encyclopedic knowledge, GOAT expert on every possible obscure detail of state ballot access laws, Richard Winger is it:
Gullible News Media Give Credence to Heritage Foundation Analysis that Says it Would be Difficult for Democrats to Nominate Someone Other than President Biden |
Reposted byAvatar Andy Craig
You have the right not to vote, and that's as it should be. Compulsory voting is wrong. But hectoring people that they *shouldn't* vote is absurd at best, and in this case, more plainly malicious and dishonest. And as others have noted, he's lying about not voting himself. That's a public record.
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America is not perfect. Far from it. But there are ideals worth fighting for, values worth pursuing, even when we fall short. Don’t abandon it to the totalitarians.
The Fourth Of The America That Could Be
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ACA… wait.. wat?
Reposted byAvatar Andy Craig
I looked into this "virtual roll call" for the Dem presidential nominee, which may be moved up to July 21 (18 days away), and concluded there's no real reason to be doing it. The rationale is that Ohio has an early ballot deadline, but Ohio passed a law to fix that. DNC's going early anyway.
Why Is the DNC Holding an Early Nomination? Today on TAP: The reason was supposed to be a deadline in Ohio. But Ohio changed their law.
Who can forget when Yoda beat Jabba the Hutt.
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Reposted byAvatar Andy Craig