
Love that everyone on here is tuning into the NYT/Siena theory of the electorate. Welcome to the wonderful world of 2024 polls.
Trump favored among people who could've voted in 2020 but didn't for some reason.
And yes this is Nate Cohns official, very serious theory why there is no problem with the polls at all.
It’s not even remotely conspiratorial! A very basic breakdown of the methodology fails a smell test!
I thjnk one of the most underrated stories of the election cycle is how every poll indicates Trump is making historic gains with voter demographics long hostile to the Republican Party while in every GOP primary he leaked 20-30% of the primary electorate to a candidate who’d dropped out
Setting aside any issues with polling in the scam call era, 2020 was the highest-turnout election since 1960. 4 points higher turnout than 2008. 7 points higher than 2016! A theory of the election based on a surge among people who skipped the most popular election in 60 years, seems... speculative!