
It's kind of amazing that corrective lenses are still so much of an art, 100s of years after we started using them. In other news, I should have fired my optometrist a couple years ago.
New glasses don't feel undercorrected for first time in years, and have plaid earpieces.
Mine have secret leaves on the inside and I love them
I once got a pair of bifocals that looked good, fit right, and were perfectly aligned for my visual needs and I've been chasing that high ever since
Ugh, needing vision correction is so annoying. Just went through a *saga* in which I agreed to try readers for the first time, and...they were less good than my regular glasses? Turns out that's what happens when a) they put in the same scrip but b) they charge you for the high index & put in poly 😡
Got the new readers with the right lenses (finally!) & they're pretty great. Just hate having to switch out when I get up LOL
Yeah, i'm currently at the point where I can read fine uncorrected, but need to take off my distance glasses for that. I'm glad I don't have to switch them out for another pair, I lose these on top of my head frequently enough!
I am at the same spot and I keep thinking I should go get a new prescription but the last time I got one it took three trips to get it right.
Most of the time I just wear my contacts and that's that. However. This time my prescription changed enough that I can't use the brand I've been wearing for years. And the new ones bug me! So I need a good solution for glasses at night. Can read ok in my distance glasses, but...just ok.
Hahaha I cannot take off my glasses though. I definitely need some sort of correction or I'm basically a mole.