
Just saw on the other site that Jed Rubenfeld (sexually harassing Yale Law prof with regressive views about rape) has endorsed this lawsuit (even saying it was his idea). I stumbled into having the ideal scholarly nemesis - he manages to be wrong about everything.
And, I don't remember Rubenfeld having a Twitter account. Did he join after Elon acquired it? Because that's certainly a choice.
oh my god thank you for bringing this to my attention
am i right that this will be an original action in SCOTUS? or does adding individual defendants bring it back to district court? not sure how that works lol
Assuming a state is the plaintiff and a state is a defendant, I think it goes to SCOTUS. But, I'm not sure if I've ever seen a state v state lawsuit with other parties.
I think this tends to be actual State v. actual State, not state official v. state official. For example, they just decided Texas v. New Mexico and Colorado, which went directly to an interstate water compact.