
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
And we have officially ceded an entire communications medium to thieves because nobody can be arsed to do anything about it
Government exists to do just that but ours is so utterly broken by the plutocrats that nothing can happen anymore.
This one in particular baffles me because who the fuck is taking money from these scam companies? I think it’s more the GOP has gotten so deranged they have no idea how to even accomplish anything anymore, and will never let anything good happen on a democrat’s watch
idk i think it's less that they don't know how, or that they're taking money from the scammers, and more that doing something about it would cost money
No, it's that the Reagan-Republican belief is that government should never do anything good for anyone. If government is doing something that improves society, that's bad.
Also a problem in Australia. Few people use landlines anymore for a number of reasons, non stop scam calls being one. On mobile devices we either rely on spam detecting software or call screening. Needs addressing for sure. It's damaging society.
Landline goes to voicemail, cell gets screened.
Is the FCC one of the organizations that Trump wants to disband?
I mean, is there any other kind? They all tell rich people no, so they must go.
The current Republican party's ethos is don't allow anything that Democrats might get some credit for.