Nick, Molly, Dipper and 🌈 Brutus

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Nick, Molly, Dipper and 🌈 Brutus

Small house, big dogs, bigger garden, tiny livestock.

RNing 30+ years. Paeds/adults/aged care/pal care/rural/med/surg/HDU/OR/union rep/thug since '88. Humanist

Living in subtropical Australia
This is gonna cost more than it saves. Genius conservative policy.
New Zealand: Covid-19 sick leave for health workers set to go. Health New Zealand is scrapping Covid-19 sick leave for health workers from next week, despite the recent spike in cases and deaths. #COVID19NZ
Covid-19 sick leave for health workers set to "Taking away sick leave will cause more Covid transmission in hospitals amongst ill and vulnerable people," says the PSA.
Avatar I see Rees Mogg has moved from likely to be flushed, to 50/50 floater. I'm not going to bed til I see a result (not a hard ask, it's 0935 here πŸ˜‰)
Often think about my Eurasian-Australian acquaintance who emigrated to the UK, obtained citizenship, got a job, family, settled right in. Then voted for brexit to "stop all those foreigners coming here", while living in one of the least diverse towns there. My dude.....
As a school kid in the 70s, we had singing accompanied on the piano by an elderly lady who could belt out hot hits of the1920s. To this day, despite my Aus upbringing, I still know the lyrics to "California Here I Come" and "Yankee Doodle Dandee" Anyhoo, happy July 4 to those who celebrate it.
Happy birthday to this little hound, Molly. 7 years old. Lucky to get past 2 😊
Just wondering what a fascist regime in the US will be like. Power centralised, cronyism, corruption, loss of environment/workplace protections. Persecution of minorities. Religious zeal. International power vacuum, boost to Putin, rise of China, withdrawal from treaties. Crikey. Good luck.
Starting to think I've unwittingly joined a furry/anime site.....
It's been noted before, but it seems consistent that a 3rd of any population would happily subjugate/oppress/murder another 3rd but are normally kept in check by the other 3rd. Tip the scales a little and boom, full fash in a heartbeat.
Dear US friends, y'know Australia has a skilled immigration program? Just saying.
Hey, y'know who *does* have a king as head of state? Mind you, we don't see a lot of him. *Disclosure, I voted for a republic in 1999.
Monarchy of Australia -
Hey remember that time they had a revolution cos they didn't want to live under a king?....
Bedtime in eastern Australia. We'll go on ahead and make sure Monday's ok for everyone else, so ditch the blues. We got this πŸ‘
The poss that has chosen to resume residence in my roller door despite the numerous comfortable possum boxes I have installed just for its marsupial majesty. My task now is to convince it to relocate back to a box and avoid the tumbler life.....
Avatar I was recently wondering if Ben Folds still lived in Adelaide. Learnt I was several wives behind the times.
"three" branches of government. But if you can appoint one of them, you get the other two thrown in....
Australia. I'm really glad we're so far from everyone else.
Avatar Hi Dr Nick I noticed one of my resident ringtail possums high in a tree minus most of its essential bits. About 2.5m up and underneath another tree, mid south suburban Brisbane. Reckon I might have owls?
Daphnis placida (hawk moth) encountered on a footpath. Relocated to a tree.
What's this mystery virus going around? Seriously have to check posts like this for a satire tag, but nope.
My theory of life 1/3rd of people are naturally low empathy (yes it's slightly more complex, but this is Blue Sky) and are kept in check (aware of not) by the other 2/3rds. Various historical elections seem to support this. Imagine a society with a uniform healthy level of empathy....
Winter #solstice in 40 minutes...... standby with the pagan rituals.
Longest night of the year coming up and we're trying not to die of hypothermia in .....16c, an hour after sunset. Guess we'll survive tonight. Summer might be a different story though.
Observation. Seems to be a pattern with healthy senior folk post covid deteriorating over 6-12 months. Altered taste ➑️ decreased intake ➑️ weight loss/malnutrition. Drs investigate using existing diagnostic framework. Covid as a root cause not considered yet. Needs addressing broadly.
Couple of species of local wild free range macropods, SW Victoria.