
This weeks thread. YouTube shorts. Despite having had YouTube creations going out for years, I’d never done “Shorts” till this week. I learned a few things.
First, creation a short is simple enough. I ended up building it to run in TikTok, then used the same video as a YouTube short.
However, whilst YouTube is always pushing creators to make shorts, the views arc is interesting. Here’s a screenshot of a short from a wildlife channel i booted up last week. It takes like 5 hours to get going, then peaks and dies in like another 40 hours.
What is odd is like 40% of people it was presented to actually watched it rather than swiping away. Yet, it just faded and died.
Here’s another short, which did abysmally.
In this case, it didn’t do much before dying two hours later. But what is interesting is how this affected the entire channel.
It feels like when the shorts started, the long form videos died. This was either an interesting coincidence, or something i need to look into more.