(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ sןןnoɔ 🇺🇦

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(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ sןןnoɔ 🇺🇦


Jason Coulls. Toronto. Serial CTO, twin dad, ex-C4ISR, ex-iHeartRadio iOS. Locksport. Bread baking. Tweets my own, not employers. Kylie/Debhead
Watching to see how Count Binface does in the UK election. Secretly hoping he wins his seat, just for the footage in the House of Commons. Ha ha!
This weeks thread. The SCOTUS ruling yesterday on presidential immunity. People should be alarmed.
Just realised: I forgot to mention on Bluesky that I now how my green belt in Locksport. I’m over the hump. People in my belt are now measured in the hundreds not the thousands.
Happy. Just did a lockpicking speed run on everything in my backpack. Whilst not “speedy” I got everything open including an American 1100 and a LOTO 410.
I just learned I’m going to see Brooks and Dunn tomorrow. I’m disproportionately happy for a British guy.
Did a speed run practice at lock picking. The Master Lock paradox strikes again!
Today is bitter sweet. I proved for my green belt in the locksport community that I can pick the American 1100, but the “1100 Club” tshirts no longer exist. Bummer
I finally got my “green belt” in lock picking/locksport today (Had to pick & gut this lock in one take on cam, where lock stays in view whole time). If you fancy a laugh, here’s the evidence video I submitted to get it. I made just about every mistake in the book ha ha! youtu.be/QqRiS3zG1HM?...
Lockpicking - u/coulls Green Belt Submissionyoutu.be This is the green belt submission video for u/coulls.
This weeks thread. Skills. I don’t understand this, but what just happened is still familiar. So here’s a quick story.
I “did a thing” on iPhone the other day and was happy. I rewrote the prototype and today have a better version. Now I’m excited.
This weeks thread: Music and AI. I think I mentioned six months back that I have a New Year’s resolution to write a song and get it on a major streaming platform before December 31st. About that.
There’s a phrase I dislike. “The medium is the message” It makes no sense to me. But it’s a thing. In my head this is equal to “The A is the B”. However in some people’s heads, there’s a magical warp field like “A implies something about B” which contradicts the words “the X is the y” GPT knew!
This weeks thread. Equivalence. So my new new iPad Pro arrived. The upgrade from the already impressive M1 chip is “knock your socks off” territory.
This weeks thread. Beowulf. Few things simultaneously bore me and resurrect feelings of dread than this.
Is autocorrect learning? I find that since I recently had to write a lot of Latin words, it’s correcting regular English into multiple words that I didn’t want.
Clarksons farm, season 3 has dropped. I can see it. If last year is anything to go by, I got about 3 days before things go nuts.
It’s only two days until my mad period of 2024 starts (Clarksons Farm Season 3 comes out - and my translations of Gerald becomes news again). It’s always fun, but in a scary way - I don’t cope well with that level of public scrutiny.
This week’s thread. “Changing facts” We all know people who are stuck with old ideas and old thinking. As they get older, they appear either racist, unpleasant or just plain ignorant as they cling to the things they were taught when younger.
When setting up my trail cams yesterday I thought I saw the city had been chopping down trees. This morning, I went over to investigate why. Once I got closer, it became apparent the city wasn’t the culprit. 🦫🦫🦫
Took dog for a walk this morning, trying to beat the rain. My goal was to see if anything was still left of the Toronto Don Mills ski centre as the last photo I saw of any remnant (a ski lift pole) was taken over 21 yrs ago. In 2024, the pole still exists! I found it!
When common sense runs up against municipalities. Our rainbow tunnel is the utmost irony in unwanted paint.
This weeks thread. YouTube shorts. Despite having had YouTube creations going out for years, I’d never done “Shorts” till this week. I learned a few things.
Not sure whether to start panicking because of the bird flu articles telling us not to panic, or because those birds look suspiciously bovine in appearance.
Managed to catch a coyote on cam this week. It came in so fast I only caught a quick view of its butt. Ha ha! Toronto Trail Cam - Coyote and more raccoons - 2024 04 20 youtu.be/C5mZReDRGwQ
This weeks thread. My Toronto wildlife cam project worked. First video is here. youtu.be/n9gODv4-Ns0?...