
I’m me of my biggest pet peeves is people who say all people from another race look alike. I hate that racist attitude. It’s a lazy excuse.
I find myself in a situation similar. But this is animal related. Not going to spam my YouTube channel, but I find myself looking at lots of clips of animals. They all used to look the same.
Once you’ve spent hours and hours looking at the same four raccoons walking about, you get to recognise them. Like humans, there’s differences in proportions, size, pigmentation, and behaviour.
Same with opossums. Same with squirrels. However, I’m having an issue with Coyotes.
My primary issue is I’ve not had that much exposure. I cannot tell the same coyote between its wet/rainy state and its dry state.
This bugs me. Years ago to solve a name/face memory problem I was told “Treat everyone you meet as the next lottery winner”. Since then, I’ve met like 4000 lottery winners. It was bad advice.