
Happy. Just did a lockpicking speed run on everything in my backpack. Whilst not “speedy” I got everything open including an American 1100 and a LOTO 410.
Do you have to buy all these locks or do you share and trade them in the community?
I buy mine - just to have access whenever I like. I do attend the Toronto chapter of TOOOL so have access to more there.
I’m currently a green belt picker, for blue belt, I have to start creating abominations and sharing them with other pickers to pick. I’m on the fence there. I never got into lockpicking to do engineering. I just like opening them. It’s shallow, but I chase the high on this a hobby.
Having said that, further up belts you have to show you help the community and I’ve got that already. So, I may just have to suck it up and create a “frankenlock” one time to get that belt and move on. I ultimately want to pick high security, but I’m still in “consumer” grade.
Just to really mess with this answer: Some locks are like $10. No big deal. Then eventually you hit the bigger stuff. My next lock (arriving from Amazon) is $60 CAD. I had to spend $100 on the tools to open it (it’s a type where standard equipment don’t work)
Sounds like a fascinating hobby that I wouldn't have the patience for. I think a lock would just go flying into the yard then I'd go back to playing guitar instead