
I really don’t understand people who are like “no, don’t be heartened by news, you must only ever look for dark sides.”
Frankly that sounds like a you problem. You can keep it.
lots of people have learned the wrong lesson from discovering that there is a dark side to the overly simplistic history/civics/etc. you were taught as a child : knowing about that dark side doesn’t mean that you’re smarter than everyone else.
Indeed, the rest of us are also fully aware of that dark side, we just cope with it differently. Falling into the pit of despair over it's existence isn't a virtue.
You should have heard them back when they were saying that only conversations about The Menace of the USSR were serious. Interesting, now I think about it, that they're not on like that about Russia. Though round about 2016 they did do China.
if you don’t think anything can get better you tend to stop fighting I would prefer to keep the motivation to fight
The number of people who responded angrily to an article I reposted about hope the other day… woof.
There’s probably a substantial overlap between these people and people who believe super hero movies need to be grim and gritty, just saying.
It’s how they prove they’re “serious” and “tough”
Hope is such a precious thing we should gather it up where and whenever we find it.
There’s at least one well-loved Internet forum that I’ve mostly abandoned, specifically because any discussion of good news was considered inconsiderate of people who were impacted by bad news.
Avatar did a short video recently about the importance to finding joy where we can too that i thought was an excellent reminder
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