
Holy fuck I do not know how HVAC tradespeople do this shit every day. Replaced a dead condenser fan motor on a Carrier package unit. (With one fan down the other just pulls air in one hole and out the other, not through the coils.) The entire top was too hot to touch because of the sun. I’m dead.
It had to be 150° F on top of that thing, but I had to get it working because it was pushing 90° in the dog runs at the rescue. I’m sitting here trying to cool off and rehydrate, now that it’s running. And I feel like I’m gonna die. How do people do that kind of work every day?
And of course the goddamn motor overheats after running for about 15 minutes because it doesn’t like the speed controller they’re on. Fuck it. I hope taping a trash bag over the dead side so there’s some airflow is enough. Found the OEM motor, will be here in a couple of days. Yeah, that worked.
It’s not a fun job, and everyone calls you on the same days, especially that first hot day of the year when they flip on their system and find out it doesn’t work for whatever reason
This is why I never went on a roof without my leather work gloves and towel. Those fucking motors can be hot as the surface of the sun. And that's taking into account it's a "freshly" burned out motor so that alone makes them burning hot.
Yeah I got by with gloves and draping towels over the top. The motor wasn’t hot, it had time to cool off, but the unit itself was baking me. And the motor I put in wasn’t happy. Ended up just taping a trash bag over that side to fix the airflow until the right one gets here today.