
“The agents approached the mayor on the street and asked his security detail to step away, one of the people said. They climbed into his S.U.V. with him and, pursuant to a court-authorized warrant, took his devices” (🎁 link)
F.B.I. Seizes Eric Adams’s Phones as Campaign Investigation Days after a raid at Mr. Adams’s chief fund-raiser’s home, federal agents took the mayor’s phones and iPad, two people with knowledge of the matter said.
Article doesn’t state which day this happened, other than that it was earlier this week. Wondering if it happened *before* he answered press questions Wednesday with a whole lot of “nothing to see here” responses.
Looks like he lied & misled the press & public about the timeline & his own interactions w the feds.
On Wednesday, Eric Adams told the press he'd be "shocked" if anyone on his campaign had done anything illegal. But on *Friday,* he told the press that on *Monday* he'd alerted the feds that "an individual had recently acted improperly." Got it?
Eric Adams Neglected to Mention That the FBI Seized His Phones - Hell Investigators reportedly took the Mayor's devices Monday night, a fact he did not disclose at a Wednesday press conference.