
Friendly reminder that Ronald Reagan was called senile so often it became a running gag on SNL and the late night shows. He then won 49 of 50 states in the 1984 election.
Friendly reminder that Reagan's approval ratings were above 50% the entire year of 1984, and in the upper 50s by June.
No president is going to have approval above 50% for the foreseeable future.
This is true, but only because no president will have any desire to try. I think a lot of people forget that Biden was extremely popular for his first 100 days
why can people on this site not read man I really don't get it
It's not exactly reasonable to expect universal agreement that 55% is "extremely popular"
I felt like the context made the implied "for an american president" / "compared to where he is now" pretty clear but fair enough
the presidency is apparently the only place where 55% gets you on the honor roll
No desire to try? How does a normal president appeal to the kind of person who would vote for Trump?
well for one you don't actually need to, he's at ~40% favorability right now; the best way to win an election is to appeal to those who don't have a candidate yet that being said if you do want to appeal to trump voters he's winning on every issue except abortion right now so he could work on that