Craig Martin

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Craig Martin

Legal scholar: focus on international law on the use of force and armed conflict, as well as climate change law and policy; and comparative constitutional law; and host of:
This intro to IHL in the context of Gaza by on the podcast, is such a clear, precise, and accurate explanation of the law, as well as an eloquent and compelling case for why it is so crucially important.
Episode 104 – Laws of War 101 with Janina IHL expert Janina Dill discusses the myths and confusion around the rules of war.
An important Defence of one of the core institutions of the international legal system. Attacks on the ICC, particularly those steeped in hypocrisy and double standards, are attacks on the international rule of law.
My article exploring how rights-based climate change litigation may have more impact than is generally understood, has now been published, and can be downloaded from SSRN here:
This "deep" analysis in the "The Daily", with reporter Eric Schmitt, examines Iran's strikes on Israel, Israel's attack on Iran's consulate in Syria, and even the U.S. killing of Soleimani - but not once mentions law or legality. LAW MATTERS!
Iran’s Unprecedented Attack on A yearslong shadow war between the countries burst into the open after Tehran fired hundreds of drones and missiles.
This has been said by many others, but it bears repeating: - ISRAEL's air strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus was a use of force against both Syria and Iran, and a violation of Art. 2(4) of the U.N. Charter's prohibition on the use of force... (1/7)
The European Court of Human Rights decision this week, finding that failure to meet climate change obligations violates human rights, further confirms arguments I make in this article, coming out in a couple of weeks in the Case Western Reserve J. Int'l L. #ClimateCrisis
European Court of Human Rights has handed down its decisions in the trio of rights-based climate change cases - holding that states have an obligation to mitigate, and failure to do so will violate individual rights. Huge. Marko Milanovic's prelim analysis:
A Quick Take on the European Court’s Climate Change Today the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered a monumental trio of decisions – one admissibility decision and two judgments – on climate change. In Verein Klim…
A powerful piece by ⁦‪ on the insidiousness of the “Int’l rules-based order,” and how unqualified U.S. support for Israel in Gaza is undermining both the integrity of Int’l law, and American authority in the world.
Opinion | Where Is America’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ Now? The United States’ failure to ensure enforcement of the U.N. cease-fire resolution regarding Israel undermines the international rules-based order.
European Court of Human Rights has handed down its decisions in the trio of rights-based climate change cases - holding that states have an obligation to mitigate, and failure to do so will violate individual rights. Huge. Marko Milanovic's prelim analysis:
A Quick Take on the European Court’s Climate Change Today the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered a monumental trio of decisions – one admissibility decision and two judgments – on climate change. In Verein Klim…
In this article, to be published in the Harv. Int'l L.J., Scott Moore and I explore the under-appreciated risks of SAI, particularly that of armed conflict, and advocate for stronger governance, examining how that might be developed. Draft coming to SSRN soon.
An interesting and important question, regarding the number of deaths likely to result from global warming: "How big would the number have to be to strike you as really big? And how small to seem acceptable?" The projections are staggering.
Opinion | Just How Many People Will Die From Climate Change? Heat death and cataclysmic storms are only the start of our worries.
It was such a pleasure discussing the fascinating issues raised by the film 'Eye in the Sky' with Jonathan Hafetz, for a podcast episode cross-posted between 'JIB/JAB-The Laws of War Podcast,' and the 'Law on Film' podcast.
The claim that the ICJ decision on provisional measures in the SA v. Israel case was a "perversion of justice," by Ruth Markus in , is itself an unwarranted attack on the int'l rule of law, and needs to be called out as such. ...1/4
Opinion | A top U.N. court’s ruling on Israel and Gaza is a perversion of There’s no justice in the top U.N. court’s ruling on Israel and Gaza.
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To argue that this was not an “attack against Lebanon” is untenable. Aside from other possible issues, this was a violation of the UN Charter Art. 2(4) prohibition against the use of force against another state.
Hamas deputy leader Saleh al-Arouri killed in Beirut Saleh al-Arouri is the most senior Hamas figure killed since the Israel-Hamas war began in October.
Indeed, hypocrisy and double standards will not only have strategic and geopolitical consequences - if the West does not insist on compliance with international law in Gaza, and call out violations, the integrity of int’l law itself will suffer.
Why US double standards on Israel and Russia play into a dangerous The west’s equivocation on Gaza exposes a global order facing mutiny over its domination of the international discourse
Thanks so much Harlan!
Once again, I am reminded how lucky I am to be in the same field as and Marko Milanovic, who work though doctrinal knots with characteristic depth, thoughtfulness, and humanity.
An important argument on Just Security, on Israeli efforts to undermine aspects of the IHL regime in Gaza, and why this must be resisted to protect the integrity of the law itself from becoming another one of the victims of this conflict.
This site is great…but compared to 2.9k followers on Twitter/X, I don’t even have 200 here…it needs to expand quickly if it is going to really eclipse the influence and reach of Twitter.
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My conversation with,, and Marko Milanovic on the Israel-Gaza situation just dropped, for those who are interested.
In my latest podcast episode I have a discussion with Monica Hakimi), Adil Haque, and Marko Milanovic on whether and how the jus ad bellum regime may be implicated in Gaza - a host of fascinating questions with important implications!
Vast majority of states in the UN General Assembly approve a resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and the establishment of humanitarian access: