Luigi Prosperi

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Luigi Prosperi

Assistant Professor in Criminal Law, Utrecht University. Editor of Rivista OIDU. PhD in International Legal Order&Human Rights (Sapienza Univ., Rome). Interests:
International (Criminal) Law, European Criminal Law, Transnational Criminal Law.
[intlaw] This is quite huge: Paris court upheld arrest warrant for Syrian President Assad despite being clearly in contrast with customary law on personal immunities. Time for a Congo v. Belgium 2.0 at the ICJ? I'm looking forward to reading this decision
Paris court upholds validity of France’s arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar PARIS (AP) - The Paris appeals court ruled on Wednesday that an international arrest warrant for Syrian Presid...
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[intlaw; international justice] Big days at the International Criminal Court! (1) Today at 12:00 (Ams time/CEST), after months of delays, Trial Chamber X will deliver its judgment in the Al Hassan case. More info and links to follow the streaming:
Trial Judgment in Al Hassan case on 26 June 2024 – Practical On 26 June 2024 at 12:00 (The Hague local time), Trial Chamber X of the International Criminal Court (ICC) will deliver its judgment on conviction or acquittal pursuant to article 74 of the Rome Statu...
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100 years ago today, Benito Mussolini's fascist henchmen murdered the socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti in response to his vociferous opposition to Fascism. His murder set in motion events which resulted in Mussolini's declaration of dictatorship in January 1925. #BellaCiao
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Reposted byAvatar Luigi Prosperi
last week the times published this piece of mine. in the days that followed, my dean received hundreds, probably now over 1k, of form emails calling on him "to immediately condemn Professor Kaye for his outlandish statements that are simply wrong and contradict international law."
I have a piece up at the NYT just now. It begins, "In seeking the arrests of senior leaders of Israel and Hamas, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has given the world a promise of accountability." It ends, "Both Israelis and Palestinians are owed it."
Opinion | Let Justice in the Gaza War Take Its The request for International Criminal Court arrest warrants promotes the idea that the basic rules of international humanitarian law apply to all.
[intlaw; politics] Investigation by The Guardian and Israeli-based magazines +972 and Local Call regarding strategies deployed by the Israeli govt against ICC Prosecutors. PART 1: "Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry"
Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes Mossad director Yossi Cohen personally involved in secret plot to pressure Fatou Bensouda to drop Palestine investigation, sources say
At the hotel Arena in Amsterdam today for the second day of an awesome conference organized by UCLA Promise Institute
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Reposted byAvatar Luigi Prosperi
‘No longer justifiable’: European leaders condemn Israel’s strike on refugee camp Israel’s actions are “incompatible with international law,” German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said.
‘No longer justifiable’: European leaders condemn Israel’s strike on refugee camp – Israel’s actions are “incompatible with international law,” German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said.
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The footage coming out of Gaza right now is some of the worst I’ve ever seen. The IDF bombed a UNWRA designated refugee zone. Where they forced people in Rafah to move to. They bombed tents. While people were sleeping. Dozens dead, many more still stuck in the fire
This is very important journalistic work: “DESERT DUMPS” on how the EU is directly involved in clandestine operations in North African countries to dump tens of thousands of Black people in the desert or remote areas to prevent them from reaching Europe
Desert Europe supports, finances and is directly involved in clandestine operations in North African countries to dump tens of thousands of Black people in the desert or remote areas each year to prevent the...
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On May 24, the ICJ ordered Israel to stop its military offensive into Rafah, among other measures in response to South Africa’s May 10 request for provisional measures in South Africa v. Israel. Read the order, from Maya Nicholson.
ICJ Issues Order in South Africa v. Israel Focused on Israel’s Military Offensive in The ICJ indicated new provisional measures relating to Israel’s ground assault on Rafah, humanitarian aid, and investigations of genocide.
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Reposted byAvatar Luigi Prosperi
As the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence passed its final legislative step today, FRANZISKA OEHM of the German Institute for Human Rights starts unboxing some of the key provisions in our Verfassungsdebate
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DMs on Bluesky will not be "end-to-end encrypted" until we are able to do some more protocol work. We have very careful access controls within our systems. If you're extremely privacy conscious, I'd recommend using Bluesky DMs to share your Signal accounts!
[REMINDER] there’s still time until 1 JUNE to apply to our LLM in European Criminal Justice in a Global Context at! All info here:
(I think this is all but symbolic) “Norway, Ireland and Spain said on Wednesday they are recognizing a Palestinian state”
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Reposted byAvatar Luigi Prosperi
"Migrants have been pushed back into the most inhospitable parts of North Africa, exposing them to abandonment with no food or water, kidnapping, extortion, sale as human chattel, torture, sexual violence and, in the worst instances, death."
With Europe’s support, North African nations push migrants to the Europe backs aggressive operations by governments in North Africa that lead to migrants being dumped in barren deserts, a joint investigation shows.
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Very good that Germany and France very quickly issued statements reiterating their support to the ICC.
France backs the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the 'fight against impunity', its foreign ministry said after the court's prosecutor sought an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and three Hamas leaders.
France backs 'independence' of ICC after prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Israel, Hamas France backs the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the 'fight against impunity', its foreign ministry said after the court's prosecutor sought an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin…
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Precisely. It IS huge.
It's the first arrest warrant an OECD head of state. That in itself is huge.