
Sickening! I also have just learned, that child marriage is allowed in some states of the USA. And child labor is on the rise again, too.
Child marriage in the United States -
I'd hazard to say MOST states in the USA allow child marriage tbh. There are only 12 that have a law banning child marriage under all circumstances. Two of whom only implemented the law this year (Washington and Virginia).
Many states have an "exceptional circumstances" ruling, which means that if parents permit, or if the CHILD is pregnant or has given birth, it is perfectly legal for an adult to marry them. Four US states have no age limit. Meaning a 42yo man could legally marry a 6yo girl if her parents say OK.
This is so unspeakably barbaric and unworthy.
And the parents often permit because it is a financial transactions. These marriages are facilitated in churches. There’s a big Venn Diagram overlap between the type of prominent men who buy child brides and those who become state-level GOP politicians.
Oh yeah. And these same sick fucks will fight tooth and nail to protect the legality of forcing a child to marry an adult/predator. Which is what these laws get used for, as nearly all child marriage is of that type.
Yes, I agree. Smug malice and ignorance. They are gaining ground worldwide and don't need a majority to be destructive. I hope decency regains ground. But I don't think it will happen without great effort.