
Being overweight can be protective, some people who are obese are also metabolically healthy, and not all fat is bad. This is a fun & insightful story about a complex, contested & important area of research 🧪 by on Scientific American
People Who Are Fat and Healthy May Hold Keys to Understanding “Heavy and healthy” can be a rare or common condition. But either way it may signal that some excess weight is just fine
6ft 270 pounder checking in, I'm obese by BMI standards though I cook most meals & go to the gym at least 3x a week. Just had my annual physical and my labs showed I'm good on everything. BP was 118/78, cholesterol was normal (tho on the high end). Would love to be 30 lbs lighter but I feel healthy
And to that end, my doc prescribed me Wegovy but of course my insurance wouldn't pay for it because i guess my foot needs to be falling off first