CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective

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CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective

CrimethInc. is a rebel alliance—a decentralized network pledged to anonymous collective action—a breakout from the prisons of our age. We strive to reinvent our lives and our world according to the principles of self-determination and mutual aid. 🏴
Seven years ago today, thousands of people from around the world gathered in Hamburg to demonstrate against the oppressive model of state power represented by the G20 summit. The results were explosive. We chronicled the whole sequence of events firsthand: 🧵⬇️
On July 4, when every patriotic American brings out their flags and rhetoric about the "founding fathers," we recall how national socialists gathered in Madison Square Gardens during Hitler’s reign, beneath American flags and banners displaying images of George Washington and antisemitic slogans. 🧵⬇️
Pride month is behind us, but the fight against what we call gender fascism is only intensifying. In this context, we invite you to revisit our text, "Stonewall Means Riot Right Now," exploring the relevance of the Stonewall riots to today's struggles for freedom.
The results of the first round of voting for the French National Assembly this weekend. It is a grievous error to stake our freedom on electoral politics alone. From Europe to North America and all around the world, we must organize for community defense against fascism.
The horrific spectacle of the presidential debate—a mendacious aspiring autocrat against a doddering genocide denier—shows the utter bankruptcy of all the factions competing to determine the future of capitalism. Hurry to find people you can organize with. Our only hope is grassroots change. 🏴
Happy birthday to Emma Goldman, born on this day in 1869—a fierce anarchist and lifelong adversary of every form of oppression.
This weekend, we'll be tabling at the anarchist book fair in Asheville, North Carolina. One of us will lead a discussion on the relationship between punk and anarchism—"Punk: Dangerous Utopia." If you can't come, you can always order from us directly:
Our comrades in Argentina are facing a financial crisis and skyrocketing inflation. But this means that funds from outside Argentina can go far towards keep their projects afloat. Please help us support the last remaining anti-fascist social center in Buenos Aires:
Support Argentina's Antifascist Social Center: La Cultura del Help support an antifa sports/social club in Bues Aires!
The Disaster Is Already Here Anarchists in southern Brazil discuss the role of capitalism and the state in both causing and exacerbating the catastrophic floods of May 2024, and explore the role of direct action in solidarity efforts in response.
The Disaster Is Already Anarchists in southern Brazil on how capitalism and the state exacerbated the floods of 2024, and the role of direct action in solidarity.
Donald Trump claiming that George Washington "probably didn’t” own slaves is a good opportunity to direct you to our extensive history of the slaves and indentured servants who sought to escape from him and the Native Americans who defended themselves against his attacks.
Anarchist Techno Attacks Remembering Reclaim the Streets To celebrate June 18, the anniversary of the Carnival against Capitalism that kicked off the movement against capitalist globalization, we revisit a viral model for the joyous transformation of urban space.
Anarchist Techno We revisit Reclaim the Streets, a viral model for the joyous reappropriation of urban space that flourished at the turn of the century.
Six Months in a Neoliberal Dystopia: Social Cannibalism versus Mutual Aid and Resistance in Argentina Our correspondent paints a vivid picture of the rival forces and visions contending for the future of Argentina under Milei, culminating in the clashes of June 12.
Six Months in a Neoliberal A vivid picture of the rival visions that are contending for the future of Argentina, culminating with the massive clashes in Buenos Aires on June 12.
People in Atlanta have been without water for five days now because of infrastructure collapse. Meanwhile, the city government is channeling more than $90 million dollars towards Cop City, just one of several ways that they are militarizing the police. #StopCopCity
As Biden competes with Trump to impose Trump's anti-immigrant policies, we urge you to read No Wall They Can Build. It explores the forces that compel people to cross borders, the obstacles states put in their way, and how the ruling class benefits from this at our expense.
No Wall They Can No Wall They Can Build scrutinizes the borders that control movement around North America. Drawing on nearly a decade of solidarity work in the desert between Mexico and Arizona, the authors uncover t...
Against Apartheid and Tyranny: For the Liberation of Palestine and All the Peoples of the Middle East Iranian exiles explain why it is both possible and necessary to support the Palestinian struggle for liberation without endorsing the Iranian government.
Against Apartheid and Iranian activists explain why it is essential to support the Palestinian struggle for liberation without endorsing the Iranian government.
We've prepared a zine version of Peter Gelderloos's recent text exploring why the strategies that mainstream environmental movements are currently employing to halt industrially-produced climate change are failing and what we could be doing instead.
Ahead of Another Summer of Climate Disasters, Let’s Talk about Real
We've prepared a zine version of our account from the front lines of the opioid epidemic, "It Was Not an Unexpected Death." In this reflection, Angustia Celeste revisits harm reduction strategies through the lens of personal tragedy and grief.
Not an Unexpected You can read this zine online in its entirety here.
"From the anarchist perspective, all of us are above the law." Hot.
"Trump’s goons have been kidnapping your neighbors, blocking your access to abortion, openly promoting white nationalism, calling the targets for lone wolf assassins who shoot up synagogues—and your chief concern is whether what they’re doing is legal?" 🧵⬇️
Take Your Pick: Law or Cheerleading for "the rule of law" hamstrings movements for change, giving Trump and others like him precisely the tools they need to suppress dissent.
A Virtual Tour of Priamukhino, the Bakunin Family Estate and Museum To observe the birthday of the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, we present a tour of his birthplace and family home, including the museum documenting his life and the lives of his relatives and friends.
A Virtual Tour of Priamukhino, the Bakunin Family Estate and A virtual tour of the family home of Mikhail Bakunin, including the museum documenting his life and the lives of his relatives and friends.
"Trump’s goons have been kidnapping your neighbors, blocking your access to abortion, openly promoting white nationalism, calling the targets for lone wolf assassins who shoot up synagogues—and your chief concern is whether what they’re doing is legal?" 🧵⬇️
Take Your Pick: Law or Cheerleading for "the rule of law" hamstrings movements for change, giving Trump and others like him precisely the tools they need to suppress dissent.
Louise Michel in New Caledonia In honor of Louise Michel’s birthday and the ongoing anti-colonial resistance in New Caledonia, we offer a narrative recounting her time in exile there and her support for the anti-colonial uprising that took place during her stay. 🧵⬇️
We've prepared a zine version of our article about how to start an announcements-only thread on Signal, and how organizers in Austin established one called The Sunbird to coordinate solidarity actions with Palestine. Print and distribute at will! 🐦‍🔥
The You can read the contents of this zine online in their entirety here.
Four years ago today, demonstrators grieving the murder of George Floyd destroyed the Third Precinct in Minneapolis, showing the world what police abolition could look like in practice. 🧵⬇️
The Siege of the Third Precinct in Anonymous participants in the uprising in Minneapolis explore how a combination of tactics compelled the police to abandon the Third Precinct.
The Sunbird: How to Start an Announcements-Only Thread on Signal Organizers in Austin describe how they established Sunbird, a Signal account that runs an announcements-only thread to enable participants in the Palestine solidarity movement to coordinate horizontally.
First as tragedy—then as farce. In 2017, when Donald Trump became president, anarchists displayed a banner reading "BECOME UNGOVERNABLE" while shutting down SFO airport in protest of the Muslim Ban and a speaking event at UC Berkeley by noted misogynist and Islamophobe Milo Yiannopoulos. Today… 🧵⬇️
Since 1853, France has occupied the islands of New Caledonia against the wishes of the Indigenous Kanak people. In the 1870s, the French government exiled the anarchist Louise Michel and many other participants in the Paris Commune uprising there. A short thread about the current revolt there. 🧵⬇️
Many people were struck by this picture from today's protests against the deforestation that Elon Musk's Tesla plant is causing outside Berlin. As partisans of neutral journalism, we believe in giving both sides a chance to tell their story. Here, the cops explain their side:
Defying local opposition, Elon Musk has been trying to expand the Tesla "Gigafactory" outside Berlin. Today, anarchists participated in a mass mobilization against the project in which 800 people reached the factory premises to actively "redesign" the Gigafactory. 🧵⬇️
Defying local opposition, Elon Musk has been trying to expand the Tesla "Gigafactory" outside Berlin. Today, anarchists participated in a mass mobilization against the project in which 800 people reached the factory premises to actively "redesign" the Gigafactory. 🧵⬇️
Anarchists are in the news again—as usual, being vilified for expressing solidarity with the oppressed and demonstrating the effectiveness of direct action. This is a good time to distribute material explaining the values and proposals at the core of anarchism.🏴